Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1- The Fame of Lord Sri Krishna
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean knowledge.
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
Though having the Lordship, responds with a relationship of being baby to Devaki - Vasudeva, son of Yashoda – Nanda, Mischievous lad of Gokula, a boyfriend of Gopikas, Student of Guru Sandipani and a friend of Sudama. Blessed Dhruva, rushed to protect Prahlada and Gajendra from death and with an unending robe to Draupadi from an insult. My Salutations to such Lord Adhokshaja, Lord Vasudeva, bestower of Satvika Bhakti. My repeated Salutation to this unchanging Lord Tattva, the bestower of Nishkama Bhakti.
Beloved Goddess, doing what you have reached the heart of the Lord? With your form of Durga, remove our ignorance and wrongful knowledge. Bhoodevi, keep us away from entertainment that would bind us with actions & desire. Sridevi bind us to the Lord, yourself and Gods through a desire for Satvika Bhakti yielding Satvika happiness and knowledge. My Salutations to you, Goddess Mahalakshmi.
My Salutations to Bharati Ramana, the cause of happiness to Goddess Bharati influencing Bhakti. Bless us with the pinnacle of Bhakti, a Bhakti without any materialistic expectation, a Pure Bhakti and an everlasting Bhakti immediately. My Salutation to Parvati Pati, cause for auspiciousness and seek you a mind and thoughts filled with Satvika Bhakti.
My Salutations to Bharati Ramana, the cause of happiness to Goddess Bharati influencing Bhakti. Bless us with the pinnacle of Bhakti, a Bhakti without any materialistic expectation, a Pure Bhakti and an everlasting Bhakti immediately. My Salutation to Parvati Pati, cause for auspiciousness and seek you a mind and thoughts filled with Satvika Bhakti.
My Prostration to the attendant of God Brahma who accrued an immeasurable Satvika merit as Prahlad and as Guru Raghavendra bestows only Satvika blessings which is stainless.
Having answered the first two questions of Sri Shaunaka Rishi, Sri Sutacharya describes the extraordinary fame of Lord that has the power to remove the pollutant of Kali before narrating the various forms of The Lord
वासुदेवपरा योगा वासुदेवपराः क्रियाः ॥
वासुदेवपरं ज्ञानं वासुदेवपरं तपः
वासुदेवपरो धर्मो वासुदेवपरा गतिः॥
Should it be Vedas, or Sacrifice, or Yoga, or Actions of Activity, all
pertains to Lord Vasudeva. So too the Knowledge, or Austerity, or the
indoctrinations in philosophy, all pertain to Lord Vasudeva. For everything it
is Lord Vasudeva, the basis of sustenance.
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Pin Lord Vasudeva |
The Vedas are proclaiming that
Lord Krishna, the son Vasudeva is Supreme and he is the only subject of Vedas.
All the Vedas that are immeasurable unknown even to Rishis and that which is
known is proclaiming that Lord Krishna is Supreme and he is the originator.
While there are people and communities having illusion and claiming supremacy
of various Gods including themselves. However, it is only Lord Krishna who is
supreme, having the attributes of Para Brahman including Creation, Protection,
Destruction & so on with the form of Jnana & Ananda. He is only one
being independent, stainless, full of attributes, cause for Creation,
Protection, Destruction & so on having Lordship. These attributes are only
in him, in Sriman Narayana. This is his fame.
The reason for all Sacrifices
is Lord Krishna and for his accomplishment only. This includes sacrifice with
Substance or Knowledge or Singing the Praises or Sankeertana or repetition of
his name as Japa Yagna. All these are done by Jivas or beings to propitiate
Lord Krishna, to know him, to reach closer to him. This is his fame.
The reason for all Yoga is
Lord Krishna. Sanjaya says, he is the Yogeshwara having Wealth, Victory and
Dharma in abundance. Also, he is available only from Yoga. There are procedures
specified in yoga like Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana,
Dhyana, Samadhi and so on. All these are only to accomplish Lord Krishna. Here,
it is important to note that Sri Sutacharya is not telling that one should do
Yoga for the fitness or shaping the body or body-mind-soul balance nor
meditation to achieve a thoughtless mind. But he is telling that the sole
purpose of yoga should be to gain the acceptance of Lord Krishna by doing
Dharana, Dhyana and accomplish Samadhi. Through his beautiful form, the form of
knowledge & bliss, contemplating his attributes those are immeasurable even
to Goddess Maha Lakshmi. Also, His Supremacy, being Independent, having an
immeasurable Iccha Shakti or the will power to create, sustain, destroy, & so on the entire universe, the Jnana Shakti or the Knowledge
required and Kriya Shakti or the power to execute. This is his fame. The
thoughtless meditation of yoga is like synchronizing with the Lord as being
formless, heartless and having no attributes. This is bull’s eye to Hell and hence should not be misled.
All Karma or actions culminate in Lord Krishna and hence needs to be done only for pleasing him. Starting from
God Brahma, everyone carrying out actions of activity is only to please Him.
This entire universe, what the present day so-called Science is not able to measure the
limits or put a definitive number and keep extending as they keep finding more,
including the 14 Lokas starting from Atala. Vitala, to Satyaloka in these the Gods,
Rishis, Pitru, Gandharva, Human, Yaksha, Rakshas, Daitya,
Danava, other living species, God Brahma creates. Also, so many
non-living substances and those beyond human comprehension has been created
by God Brahma with the only support of Vishnu or Vishnu Prerna and for his acceptance or
Vishnu Preethyarthm. For
pleasing Lord Vishnu.
So too, God Vayu being in all human does 21600 breaths as Hamsa mantra per day, immeasurable actions in individual life, and doing these Upasana leads
the entire being in this universe with the only support of Vishnu or Vishnu Prerna and for
his acceptance or Vishnu Preethyarthm. God Rudra carries out destruction, God Indra carries out protection,
Rishis do intense tapas even standing on one leg which we cannot even imagine with the only support of Vishnu or
Vishnu Prerna and for his acceptance or Vishnu Preethyarthm.
There are Sri Vasista and
fellow six rishis carrying out Loka Niyamana or monitoring. Kartavirya Arjuna,
Harischandra, the Chakravarti's also Prutu Maharaja all carry-out
exceptional activity including administration and build infrastructure only to
please their Indweller, The Lord Vasudeva. Pitru devatas carry the offering
done during Shraddha and reach it to respective Pitrus. God Yama Raja sits on
the throne of the Hell and orders punishments like peeling the skin or dipping
into boiling oil based on the sins of the Jiva. For what? with the only support of Vishnu or
Vishnu Prerna and for his acceptance or Vishnu Preethyarthm. God Indra will cause rain, God Kubera
gives wealth to the people, God Ganesha will remove their impediments or
obstructions and so on. This is to please the Lord which is his fame.
Sri Shaunaka Rishi organizes a
spiritual gathering in Naimisharanya for the narration of Srimad Bhagavatam and Sri
Sutacharya narrates it for reasons with only support by Vishnu or Vishnu Prerna and for
his acceptance or Vishnu Preethyarthm. So too, sitting on the shores of Arabian Sea in Kanva Theertha, a place
where Kanva Rishi did tapas, Sri Vijayadwaja Theertharu, a great saint from
1434 to 1448 did word by word Upasana of Srimad Bhagavatam and wrote each word's meaning with exhaustive commentary called Padaratnavali or also referred to as Bhaktiratnavali based on the axioms in Sri Madhvacharya’s Bhagavata Tatparya Nirnaya. This has
been the basis for the study of Srimad Bhagavatam by several Saints even today.
Fortunate are we to have a look at these commentaries though in glimpses for
reasons of our limited ability. All these karmas or actions of Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Vijayadwaja Theertharu, and other great saints or very small being like us trying to understand through reading, hearing, writing, and re-reading
to seep into our consciousness or the present day parlance subconscious mind is
possible only with the support of truly unbiased Lord Vasudeva. Only for the reasons of वासुदेवपराः क्रियाः. To
propitiate Lord Vasudeva. Just for the submission to the Indweller, Lord Sri
Krishna, the Gopala, the Gopika Vallabha as flowers of words, to propitiate him
and request him to be pleased with our activity of this action. The activity
that has been motivated by him, initiated by him and carried out by him as Hrishikesh, the Lord of Sense organs.
Starting from the Best of
Being, God Brahma to one like us being at the brink of devotion, who has this
fame? The fame as of the Lord, Lord Sri Krishna, Gopala, Gopika Vallabha.
Hence, Sri Sutacharya is telling that all actions what we do need to be
directed at The Most Famous celebrity, Lord Vasudeva.
So too the Knowledge. The
knowledge of Lord Vasudeva is only of use. Hence, the reason for all the
knowledge should be to know Lord Krishna. The reason for all austerity should
be to propitiate Lord Krishna. We perform the eleventh day of the new or full
moon as fasting day though painful, for what? Only to please Lord. When we
submit our body to him filled with Vairagya, bearing the pain with a sense to
make our self-understand that the Lord is more dear and affectionate than our
body and please him. Pleased will be the Lord Bhaktavatsala for whom devotes
are most dear.
The reason for all Dharma is
to propitiate Lord Krishna. There are schools of thoughts. One of it is seeking
a scientific reason to follow the Dharma written in Dharma Shastra undermining
the divine knowledge of our ancient Rishis & Munis. The same community
today, lists several Pro and Cons for fasting. If one googles “fasting diet”
today, we could see these objects of laughter, though all well-established long
time back. When we lose our mom, irrespective of male or female we cry! When
our National Flag is hoisted we stand-up to salute, when we land on our country
or our state or our City or our house our emotions change with a sense of
belongingness, for what? Could there be Scientific Reasons for all of this or
is it anything to do with our Health or our Income or will it undermine our
modernity and make us look less Cool! So too, is a facet of Dharma. It helps in
propitiating the Lord.
Any progress towards the Goal
or the Goal to be accomplished is Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Sriman Narayana. As,
only he, has the Fame to be a support base for our sustenance.
सदसद्रूपया चासौ गुणमय्याऽगुणो विभुः ॥
The Lord Bhagavan using
Prakriti constituting the three Gunas has created the universe having several
visible and non-visible substance with his immeasurable Will Power, Knowledge,
and Skill stands above and being uninfluenced by Gunas in the Prakriti.
The most famous act of the
Lord having the highest fame is the Creation of the Universe. Hence, Lord
Vedavyasa has started Srimad Bhagavata with the Lord’s act of Janmadiasya.
Understanding this act will start revealing the other attributes of the Lord to
the full extent of an individual’s capacity. This is proven and well
established by Jnani including the Adikavi or Best of being Brahma.
अग्र or At the beginning, when neither God Brahma nor God Shiva was born
after having lost their Linga Deha along with all Jivas during pralaya i.e.
dissolution and destruction of the Universe have been resting or go into deep
sleep inside the stomach of Lord who would be lying on the Pralayaodhaka or
water of Pralaya.
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Lord Sriman Narayana |
स ए All this वेदं property
what we see ससर्जा is his Creation i.e. the entire Universe.
As he is भगवान्, or Bhagavan i.e. Poorna or complete in Ishwarya or wealth,
Dhairya or courage, Samartya or capacity, Eshas or fame, Jnana or knowledge,
and Vishesha Jnana. He is Bhagavan, so Ananta Guna Poorna or Full of attributes.
He is full of compassion. Though has no expectations or benefit from this
creation, he does so आत्ममायया by Himself with immeasurable Iccha Shakti
or will power and by expressing his Compassion to Jivas or being. This has
become his fame. He creates सदसद्रूपया using
Prakriti as raw material that is गुणमय्या or having three Gunas of Satvika,
Rajasika, and Thamasika. However, he himself is अगुणो having no
influence of guna and is independent or free to use the Prakriti in whatsoever
form he needs. With the grace of Lord Bhagavan, Goddess Mahalakshmi is not
having the influence of Guna and we can cross this bind of Guna by his Prasada
of Moksha. As we have seen all the substance including our body and exterior
Indryas are of Prakriti with three Gunas and the Jiva is exposed to the
influence of these Gunas through Indriya. It is only Lord who is अगुण.
The Indriyas or Sensory organs made of Prakriti are influenced by Guna expressing Arishadverga. Through a knot, the Sensory organs are bound with Linga deha causing actions for re-birth.
Hence, we have seen how the Shastras are directing us to inculcate Satvika Guna and
move away from Rajaika & Thamasika Guna. The Satvika Guna would enable us
to express the attributes including Bhakti embedded as characteristic of our
soul. When expressed through Bhakti Yoga, the Hrudaya Granti or the knot will
crack to have Aparoksha Jnana.
Here, Sri Sutacharya out of his extreme generosity is hand holding us like to a 10 months old learning to walk and teaching the baby steps of Upasana or way to Worship. Worshiping the Lord with this attribute that he is Gunatitha or above the three Gunas of Prakriti. Prakriti has no influence on Him with any alteration of the disorder or He is Avikara. In fact, He is the Creator, sustainer, and regulator of this Prakriti by being omnipresent. He will bless us with Prasada of Moksha breaking the bind of Prakriti. Hence, for every encounter of Vikara or disorder in us, for example, every morning when we brush our teeth, a thought should come to us that waves of only pleasant aroma come out of our Lord's mouth and he is beyond the influence of Prakriti.
Here, Sri Sutacharya out of his extreme generosity is hand holding us like to a 10 months old learning to walk and teaching the baby steps of Upasana or way to Worship. Worshiping the Lord with this attribute that he is Gunatitha or above the three Gunas of Prakriti. Prakriti has no influence on Him with any alteration of the disorder or He is Avikara. In fact, He is the Creator, sustainer, and regulator of this Prakriti by being omnipresent. He will bless us with Prasada of Moksha breaking the bind of Prakriti. Hence, for every encounter of Vikara or disorder in us, for example, every morning when we brush our teeth, a thought should come to us that waves of only pleasant aroma come out of our Lord's mouth and he is beyond the influence of Prakriti.
The Prakriti is unlimited,
difficult to distinguish having Satvika, Rajasika & Thamisika Guna. From
this Prakriti is the creation of mahat-tattva. From mahat-tattva is the
creation of Ahankara Tatva. From Ahankara Tattva, Pancha Tanmatra, Indriya & Pancha Maha-Bhoota. From Pancha Maha-Bhoota is Brahmanda and 14 Lokas. In these
immeasurable number of substance & things. The Lord has spread inside all
of this and hence Sri Sutacharya is calling विभुः. In short,
Lord is omnipresent.
His attribute of this Creation
with no expectations, sustenance, and control being Omnipresent is his Fame.
Inspired by this, The great Hari Dasa, Sri Purandara Dasaru, who lived
between 1484–1564 has composed the below Kannada Song. Let's take a look at it
with English translation:
Ee pariya sobagAva dEvarali kANe
gOpijanapriya gOpalagallade
This sort of Fame can’t be seen in any other Gods, as in the Loved one
of Gopikas, the GopAla.
doreyatanadali nODe DharaNidEvige ramaNa
siriyatanadali nODe shrikAntanu
hiriyatanadali nODe sarasijOdBhavanayya
guruvutanadali nODe jagadAdi guruvu
Look at his Lordship, He is the cause of
happiness to mother Earth
Look at his wealth, He is loved by Siri,
the Goddess of abundance
Look at his elderliness, He is the father
of God Brahma
Look at him being Guru, He is the first
Guru of this creation
pAvanatvadi nODe amaragangAjanaka
dEvatvadali nODe divijaroDeya
lAvanyadali nODe lOkamohakanayya
Ava dhairyadi nODe asurAntaka
Look at his purity, He is the father of
immortal Ganga
Look at him among the Gods, He is head of
Look at his charm, He mesmerizes the world
Look at his braveness, He deceases the
gaganadali sancharipa garuDa dEvane turaga
jagatIdhara shEsha pariyanka shayana
nigamagOchara purandara viTalagallade
migilAda dEvrige Ee bhAgyavunTe
The Bird GaruDa flying in the sky is His
The Thousand headed snake, ShEsha carrying
the fourteen lokas on his hood is His bed
Other than the one who could be understood
only through Vedas, The Purandara viTala, who else has this sort of Fame!
May wish to check out the below link for
the sound bite of the above song sung by the famous Sri Balamurali Krishna
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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