Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The appearance of Lord Veda Vyasa
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
व्यासाय विष्णुरूपाय व्यासरूपाय विष्णवे ।
नमो वै ब्रह्मनिधये वासिष्ठाय नमो नमः ॥
Vyasa the form of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu the form of
Lord Vyasa, my salutations to you the treasure of creation. My repeated
salutations to you, the grandson of Vasishta Rishi.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa, the destroyer of
emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of abundance having
heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated salutations to
you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the experience of the
Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on
the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death
and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is very secretive in
nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your continued blessings.
जयति जगति मायां यस्य कायाधवस्ते वचनरचनमेकं केवलं चाकलय्य।
ध्रुवपदमपि यातो यत्क्रुपातो ध्रुवोऽयं सकलकुशलपात्रं ब्रह्मपुत्रं नतास्मि॥
Narada Rishi, Prahlada the son of Kayadhu, had
full faith in your teachings that The Lord is present everywhere and would
never let his devotee down. He held this even during his most adverse situation
and won the blessings of Lord Sri Narasimha. So too, did Prince Dhruva had your
advice & blessings and became immovable Star or Polar Star. You are generous
and object of all auspiciousness. Your blessings will yield the siddhi of
thoughts of The Lord at all times. My Salutations to you the Son of God Brahma.
मूकोऽपि यत्प्रसादेन मुकुन्दशयनायते ।
राजराजायते रिक्तो राघवेन्द्रं तमाश्रये ॥
Your mercy would confer the blessings of Lord
Mukunda laying on God Sesha. Even a dumb
become an eloquent speaker, a pauper becomes wealthy as God Kubera.
I seek refuge in you, Guru Raghavendra.
For various questions of
Shaunaka Rishi starting with कस्मिन् युगे प्रवृत्तेयं स्थाने वा केन हेतुना । i.e. During
which time, which places and for what reason was Srimad Bhagavatam
composed? Sri Suthacharya says,
द्वापरे समनुप्राप्ते तृतीये युगपर्यये ।
जातः पराशराद्योगी वासव्यां कलया हरेः ॥ १४॥
At the ending of third Dwapara Yuga, Lord Veda Vyasa appeared in his
original form of Jnana-Ananda to Parashara and Satyavati.
The one day of God Brahma has 14 Manvantara, of that we are in seventh named
Vayvasvathamanvantara. In this Vayvasvathamanvatara, we are in 28th
mahayuga wherein one mahayuga includes Kruta Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga,
and Kali Yuga. Lord Veda Vyasa appeared in the just past 28th Dwapara Yuga of this Vayvasvathamanvantara.
स कदाचित्सरस्वत्या उपस्पृश्य जलं शुचिः ।
विविक्तदेश आसीन उदिते रविमण्डले ॥ १५॥
He lives in the higher Badrinath of Himalayan Mountains. The Badrinath
after Joshi mutt which is popular in Char Dham yatra is known as Vishala.
Towards North of Vishala, on the banks of Saraswati River, another Badrinath
with beautiful Badri trees is located. This is not accessible to human. Lord
Veda Vyasa appears there. Further, in
the hills of Nara & Narayana, another Badrinath called maha Badrikashram is
located. Here the Lord appears in the form of Narayana along with Nara
doing tapas or austerity.
On an early morning at the dawn of Sun, the stainless Lord Veda Vyasa
took his bath in the holy Saraswati River. After completing Ahnika or morning
activities of the day sat at a clean and lonely place engrossed in thoughts.
परावरज्ञः स ऋषिः कालेनाव्यक्तरंहसा ।
युगधर्मव्यतिकरं प्राप्तं भुवि युगे युगे ॥ १६॥
भौतिकानां च भावानां शक्तिह्रासं च तत्कृतम् ।
अश्रद्दधानान् निःसत्त्वान् दुर्मेधान् ह्रसितायुषः ॥ १७॥
दुर्भगांश्च जनान् वीक्ष्य मुनिर्दिव्येन चक्षुषा ।
सर्ववर्णाश्रमाणां यद्दध्यौ हितममोघदृक् ॥ १८॥
Lord with परावरज्ञः or having knowledge of past, present &
future saw the decline of Dharma from time to time through his divine
eye. He saw the secret acts of time or Kala and its speed of actions. The speed
at which water flows in a river or even the speed of wind can be measured by a
human. However, the activity, actions, relations or Social environment over
time cannot be measured and is beyond human comprehension.
Those of us experienced and old enough could see the intensity, speed,
and secrecy with which the Time would act on our social environment. What we
were or thought & believed 30 years back or 20 years back or even 10 years
back is totally different now. Only some dare to introspect on hindsight. The
addition of relatives or newborn or loss of grandparents or parents or children
or friends or, the change in occupation or economic status or the place of stay
or our understanding on religion or spirituality or habits, routines &
gossips or the general behavior and so on. Everything changes in a short span
of our life.
The changes that occur over Yuga is unimaginable. The geographical
location of earth changes. Like the sunken city of Dwarka, some island sink and
some appear. The people, their size, their lifespan, their behavior, everything
changes without leaving a trail.
Lord Veda Vyasa sees the evil Kali preside over Kali Yuga influence
materials and Jiva. The materials including air, water, and soil losing its
qualities. Kali occupying the mind space of individuals. He sees us losing
faith in him, the faith in dharma and the faith in rituals. The decline in
piousness, intelligence, and fortune. Hence, the Gods influencing nonliving
material and living beings seek his intervention including those influencing
Jnana, Bhakti, and Vairagya. Obliging these Gods and being concerned for the
people of Kali Yuga, he starts thinking as to how to bring benefit to the
people of all ashrama and Varna in Kali Yuga.
चातुर्होत्रं कर्म शुद्धं प्रजानां वीक्ष्य वैदिकम् ।
व्यदधाद्यज्ञसन्तत्यै वेदमेकं चतुर्विधम् ॥ १९॥
ऋग्यजुःसामाथर्वाख्या वेदाश्चत्वार उद्धृताः ।
इतिहासपुराणं च पञ्चमो वेद उच्यते ॥ २०॥
To enable follow Vedic procedure having four priests carrying out
invocation and offering sacrifice to fire that would bestow pleasant heart and
lucid minds, Lord Veda Vyasa recuperates Vedas and compiles them into four
sections of Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvana Veda.
Also, he composes Ithihasa or History including Mahabharata, Pancharatra
and Puranas which are equivalent to Vedas or called as fifth Veda.
तत्रर्ग्वेदधरः पैलः सामगो जैमिनिः कविः ।
वैशम्पायन एवैको निष्णातो यजुषामुत ॥ २१॥
अथर्वाङ्गिरसामासीत्सुमन्तुर्दारुणो मुनिः ।
इतिहासपुराणानां पिता मे रोमहर्षणः ॥ २२॥
Of this, he initiated Rigveda to Sage Paila. Paila became foremost promoting
Rigveda. Similarly, Lord Veda Vyasa initiated Yajurveda to Sage Vaishampayana,
Samaveda to Jaimini. Sage Samanta became the foremost expert of Atharvangirasa
or Atharvaveda and promoted that. My father Romaharshana expertise on Ithihasa
and Purana says Sri Sutacharya.
त एत ऋषयो वेदं स्वं स्वं व्यस्यन्ननेकधा ।
शिष्यैः प्रशिष्यैस्तच्छिष्यैर्वेदास्ते शाखिनोऽभवन् ॥ २३॥
Subsequently, all of these sages further divided the Vedas to much
smaller branches and initiated them to their more disciples. With this
Guru-Shishya or the Teacher-disciple system following various branches were set
Without the blessings of Guru, knowledge will not dawn. Only through
knowledge, progress towards knowing Lord is possible. Lord Veda Vyasa is the
mula Guru or foremost. Hence, his blessings are critical for understanding
Shastra or Indoctrinations. Only through the worship of Lord Veda Vyasa,
propitiating him, read his deeds and conduct regularly, the Shastras start
त एव वेदा दुर्मेधैर्धार्यन्ते पुरुषैर्यथा ।
एवं चकार भगवान् व्यासः कृपणवत्सलः ॥ २४॥
The kind-hearted, generous & divine Bhagavan Veda Vyasa composed Brahma Sutra seeing the
poor ability in people to practice yoga including contemplation of Lord’s
attributes and Meditation,
स्त्रीशूद्रद्विजबन्धूनां त्रयी न श्रुतिगोचरा ।
कर्मश्रेयसि मूढानां श्रेय एवं भवेदिह ।
इति भारतमाख्यानं कृपया मुनिना कृतम् ॥ २५॥
The women folk, working class, the twice-born business class, army
personnel, administrators & intelligentsia who have not taken up the study
of Vedas would falter the righteous path of dharma. For their benefit, the
generous & kind hearted Lord Veda Vyasa composed Mahabharata to enable them
to carry out Jnana Yagna and follow dharma.
एवं प्रवृत्तस्य सदा भूतानां श्रेयसि द्विजाः ।
सर्वात्मकेनापि यदा नातुष्यद्धृदयं ततः ॥ २६॥
Shaunaka Rishi, This way, though always acting for the protection of the
virtuous, नातुष्यद् or he expressed as if he is dissatisfied and
unpleased i.e. he did not feel enough to stop his work.
नातिप्रसीदद्धृदयः सरस्वत्यास्तटे शुचौ ।
वितर्कयन् विविक्तस्थ इदं चोवाच धर्मवित् ॥ २७॥
Expressing this feeling of dissatisfaction, Lord Veda Vyasa sitting on
the banks of River Sarasvati engrossed, started having following thoughts:
Here, we need to remind ourselves that the Lord is full of Knowledge
& Bliss. Just with a thought, he could accomplish everything to his
satisfaction. But, appearing on earth, following the process of happenings
similar to other Rishis and Munis of earth, taking time He thought thus:
धृतव्रतेन हि मया छन्दांसि गुरवोऽग्नयः ।
मानिता निर्व्यलीकेन गृहीतं चानुशासनम् ॥ २८॥
Without being tricky and having the virtue of Chastity, I have been
worshipping elders including Parashara & Satyavati as parents accepted the
knowledge from Parashara as Guru divided the Vedas & initiated my
disciples strengthened the Guru-Sishya parampara, carried out the Fire ceremony
and attend the requirement of Virtuous.
भारतव्यपदेशेन ह्याम्नायार्थश्च दर्शितः ।
दृश्यते यत्र धर्मादि स्त्रीशूद्रादिभिरप्युत ॥ २९॥
By composing Mahabharata, I have ensured that even the women &
working class could understand their dharma by shedding light on the concepts
of Vedas.
तथापि बत मे दैह्यो ह्यात्मा चैवात्मना विभुः ।
असम्पन्न इवाभाति ब्रह्मवर्चस्यसत्तमः ॥ ३०॥
By splitting Vedas, initiating to sishyas, strengthening Guru-Sishya
parampara, composing Mahabarata having Bhagavad Gita & Vishnu Sahsaranama,
my Lotus of Heart is glowing pretty bright with Brahmavarchas. Still, I am
having the feeling of dissatisfaction or असम्पन्न and have to do more.
किं वा भागवता धर्मा न प्रायेण निरूपिताः ।
प्रियाः परमहंसानां त एव ह्यच्युतप्रियाः ॥ ३१॥
Probably, I have not propounded the Bhagavata dharma which is dear to
Saints and can be understood by even ordinary through the essence of Stories.
These are dear to Lord Achyutha who has no decline and causing me
dissatisfaction says Lord Veda Vyasa following the Rishi & Muni dharma on
the earth.
From this, we could infer that Srimad Bhagavatam is a forerunner to
Mahabharata i.e. One would gain Bhakti through Srimad Bhagavatam. Through that
Bhakti, one should study Mahabharata to understand the concept of Dharma
तस्यैवं खिलमात्मानं मन्यमानस्य खिद्यतः ।
कृष्णस्य नारदोऽभ्यागादाश्रमं प्रागुदाहृतम् ॥ ३२॥
With these thoughts, as Lord Krishna Dwaipayana was expressing the
feeling of dissatisfaction, Narada Rishi arrived there. To the Badrikashrama.
The Narada Rishi who stands as a street lamp showing the right directions to
Gods like Prahlada & Dhruva. Whose mercy to the people of Kali Yuga is so
enormous that any number of our prostration to his lotus feet falls short!
तमभिज्ञाय सहसा प्रत्युत्थायागतं मुनिः ।
पूजयामास विधिवन्नारदं सुरपूजितम् ॥ ३३॥
As Lord saw the arrival of Narada Rishi, he got up and welcomed Narada
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां प्रथमस्कन्धे नैमिषीयोपाख्याने चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ ४॥
With this, we
complete a part of "The substory of Naimishya" fourth Adhyaya, of Srimad Bhagavatam
Skanda 1.
We could do so only with the grace of Guru Sri
Raghavendra and all his philosophical associates including Sri Saunaka &
his fellow Rishis, Sri Sutacahrya, Sri Sukachary, God Vayu, and Sri Hari as
their Jnana Prasada.
Dasa, who lived from 1728 to 1809
was a great saint and an Aproksha Jnani. The spiritual literary work of Harikathaamritasara in Kannada is his magnum opus. With below excerpt of his Mangalacharna in Kannada and its English translation, Let us
pray Lord Veda Vyasa for his continued blessings:
हरिकथाम्रुथसार गुरुगल करुणदिन्दा पनितुपेलुवे।
परम भगवद्भ्क्त रिदनादरदि केलुवुदु ॥
Harikathaamritasara is the essence of stories of Hari that are as delicious as nectar. The stories of Lord Hari, destroyer of Sins,
difficulties & sorrow of virtuous. Shall narrate these after having
understood with the mercy of Guru.
The supreme devotees having accomplished Bhakti Yoga should hear this
with great respect.
वेदपीठ विरिञ्चि भव शक्रादि सुरविञ्नान दायक मोदचिन्मय गात्र लोकपवित्र सुचरित्र ।
छेदभेेद विषाद कुटिलां तादिमध्य विदूरा आदा नादि कारण बादरायण पाहि सत्राण ॥
A pedestal for Vedas having a form of Knowledge & Ananda blessing
knowledge to Gods including Brahma, Rudra, Indra, purifying the three Lokas or
regions have the highest fame.
Tearing &
removing the depressions or cheat without a beginning, middle or end and always
protecting & energizing the virtuous, Lord Veda Vyasa bless us with the
study of Srimad Bhagavatam. My
salutations to You.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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