Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Past Birth of Narada Rishi, an Illustration to Bhakti Yoga
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
व्यासाय विष्णुरूपाय व्यासरूपाय विष्णवे ।
नमो वै ब्रह्मनिधये वासिष्ठाय नमो नमः ॥
Vyasa the form of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu the form of
Lord Vyasa, my salutations to you the treasure of creation. My repeated
salutations to you, the grandson of Vasishta Rishi.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa, the destroyer of
emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of abundance having
heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated salutations to
you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the experience of the
Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on
the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death
and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is very secretive in
nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your continued blessings.
जयति जगति मायां यस्य कायाधवस्ते वचनरचनमेकं केवलं चाकलय्य।
ध्रुवपदमपि यातो यत्क्रुपातो ध्रुवोऽयं सकलकुशलपात्रं ब्रह्मपुत्रं नतास्मि॥
Narada Rishi, Prahlada the son of Kayadhu, had
full faith in your teachings that The Lord is present everywhere and would
never let his devotee down. He held this even during his most adverse situation
and won the blessings of Lord Sri Narasimha. So too, did Prince Dhruva had your
advice & blessings and became immovable Star or Polar Star. You are generous
and object of all auspiciousness. Your blessings will yield the siddhi of
thoughts of The Lord at all times. My Salutations to you the Son of God Brahma.
Your mercy would confer the blessings of Lord Mukunda laying on God Sesha. Even a dumb become an eloquent speaker, a pauper becomes wealthy as God Kubera.
I seek refuge in you, Guru Raghavendra.
मूकोऽपि यत्प्रसादेन मुकुन्दशयनायते ।
राजराजायते रिक्तो राघवेन्द्रं तमाश्रये ॥
I seek refuge in you, Guru Raghavendra.
Answering to Lord Veda Vyasa’s request to tell him the reasons for his
dissatisfaction even after composing several spiritual scriptures, Narada
Rishi requests him to compose Srimad Bhagavatam with narration on the fame of
Lord and his attributes in the language of Samadhi.
Also, propagate Bhakti towards Lord by repeated singing, hearing, praising & taking refuge of Lord through Nivruti dharma of abstaining from sensual pleasures of material substance and worldly gains for the following reasons:
Also, propagate Bhakti towards Lord by repeated singing, hearing, praising & taking refuge of Lord through Nivruti dharma of abstaining from sensual pleasures of material substance and worldly gains for the following reasons:
- Nivruti dharma leads to the accomplishment of Purushaartha. Else one will be like
a ship caught in the storm at the middle of the sea.
- Though Pravruti dharma or worldly activities
may yield immediate sensual pleasures, is short-lived. To support this
would not suit the stature of Lord Veda Vyasa and the virtuous could get mislead.
- The practice of Pravruti dharma is vicious in nature leading downwards. But in practice of Nivruti dharma options to redeem sins for any mistakes is possible and leads upwards.
- Whatever one may do, even accomplish the height of Brahmloka or any other below
intermediate regions, would not experience the supreme bliss. Also, on the
timeline of the cycle of death & birth, worldly happiness & sorrow
would continue. Hence, without any special efforts for worldly
happiness, the smart would practice Bhakti Yoga in Lord.
- When Lord Veda Vyasa himself composes, reading or hearing that will make the pollutant disappear leading to liberation from the cycle of death & birth to all virtuous. Also, the virtuous would become the devotees of the Lord.
- Those who are at the service of the Lotus feet of Lord, Sri Mukunda would never carry out actions of activities that would lead to the cycle of death & birth. Also, such people will not be troubled or tattered in samsara. Though they have to face minor issues and appear as if struggling in samsara, but they would be blessed with enough strength to easily overcome and get moksha.
As an illustration of the practice of Nivruti dharma,
Narada Rishi cites his life story of previous birth. He says, in my last birth, I
born to a maid who served at the house of Brahmins. The Brahmins who were
engaged in deep study of Vedas through deliberations and arguments.
Accomplished Sages and their followers visited them for Chatur
Masa or the Vow of four Months starting from rainy season. My mother had
engaged me to serve those Yogis for all their needs, says Narada rishi.
Narada Rishi continues,
ते मय्यपेताखिलचापलेऽर्भके दान्तेऽधृतक्रीडनकेऽनुवर्तिनि ||
चक्रुः कृपां यद्यपि तुल्यदर्शनाः शुश्रूषमाणे मुनयोऽल्पभाषिणि ॥ २४॥
Though I was a small boy, with the grace of Lord, I was able to exercise
my will overall sensory organs. I had no specific desire for worldly things
including playing like other children. Speaking very little, I was meeting all
their requirements. Being pleased with my sober behavior, the impartial Sages
having no likes and dislikes to good and bad, bestowed kind and generous favors
on me.
उच्छिष्टलेपाननुमोदितो द्विजैः सकृत्स्म भुञ्जे तदपास्तकिल्बिषः ।
एवं प्रवृत्तस्य विशुद्धचेतसस्तद्धर्मएवात्मरुचिः प्रजायते ॥ २५॥
The companions of holy sages prepared bhog or food for submission to
Lord as naivedya during their prayers every day. Subsequently, they had the
same as Prasada. After their acceptance of Prasada, I would clear the place of
their eating. I would have उच्छिष्ट or the leftover food with
their due permission. As they had the Prasada of Lord, once a day, I too used
to have food only once a day. Doing so, all my sins got cleansed.
This way daily doing the service of sages, my heart became light,
crystal clear, stainless and devoid of any pollutant. Also, daily I observed
the prayers of yogis, the way they worshipped to propitiate the Lord and sang
His glory excellently. I was attracted to their dharma and developed a keen
desire to do the same.
तत्रान्वहं कृष्णकथाः प्रगायतामनुग्रहेणाशृणवं मनोहराः ।
ताः श्रद्धया मेऽनुपदं विशृण्वतः प्रियश्रवस्यङ्ग ममाभवद्रुचिः ॥ २६॥
Maha Rishi, Vyasji! This company of wise & virtuous, their pastime
of singing, repeated reading, narration, discourses on the attributes of Lord,
his sports charm gave me access to hear the fascinating stories of Lord Sri
Krishna. With full faith and devotion, I heard every word of them on the famous
Lord who likes being praised. This stole my heart and ममाभवद्रुचिः brought delight in doing so, says Narada Rishi.
This way, the company of wise & virtuous brought excellent benefit
to me. All this happened because of absolute and unlimited favor on me by those
virtuous & extremely kind-hearted Sages.
तस्मिंस्तदा लब्धरुचेर्महामुनेप्रियश्रवस्यास्खलिता मतिर्मम ।
ययाहमेतत्सदसत्स्वमाययापश्ये मयि ब्रह्मणि कल्पितं परे ॥ २७॥
The Great Sage! By then, my heart had fallen in love with the most
charming Lord Manohara. My mind space got occupied by the most Famous Lord
yielding unwavering Bhakti. Consequent to the steady Bhakti, I started seeing
the beautiful form of universe constructed of Prakriti influenced by Goddess Maya
as an idol of Lord Brahaman and same Lord Brahaman reflecting in my soul.
इत्थं शरत्प्रावृषिकावृतू हरेर्विशृण्वतो मेऽनुसवं यशोऽमलम् ।
सङ्कीर्त्यमानं मुनिभिर्महात्मभिर्भक्तिः प्रवृत्ताऽऽत्मरजस्तमोऽपहा ॥ २८॥
As the virtuous sages sang the stainless fame of Lord three times a day
for four months of both the seasons of Varsha or Rain and Sharad or autumn, I
heard those sankeertana having fascinating stories of Lord Sri Krishna. Hearing
their soft words full of love & affection, the Lotus of my heart blossomed
in which the light of bhakti glowed. This bhakti destroyed Rajasika &
Thamasika Guna that had occupied my Soul.
तस्यैवं मेऽनुरक्तस्य प्रश्रितस्य हतैनसः ।
श्रद्दधानस्य बालस्य दान्तस्यानुचरस्य च ॥ २९॥
Also, my devotion in those Yogis became
intense helping me to serve them with full of humbleness. As I served those
great Saints, the sins in me started to flee. My heart filled with faith, the
sensory organs further came under my control and made myself available to their
service physically, through speech and mind.
ज्ञानं गुह्यतमं यत्तत्साक्षाद्भगवतोदितम् ।
अन्ववोचन् गमिष्यन्तः कृपया दीनवत्सलाः ॥ ३०॥
When the kind-hearted sages planned to proceed to their next destination
after the vow of four months, they initiated me with the most secret Knowledge.
The one they had received directly from the divine mouth known for having an abundance of knowledge, the Lord himself.
येनैवाहं भगवतो वासुदेवस्य वेधसः ।
मायानुभावमविदं येन गच्छन्ति तत्पदम् ॥ ३१॥
That secret knowledge helped me understand the divine Maya of Lord
Vasudeva for whom the acts of creation, sustenance, destruction & so on are
a Sport. With this, one would be superbly blessed to understand the eminence of
the Lord and realize self or Atman.
एतत्संसूचितं ब्रह्मंस्तापत्रयचिकित्सितम् ।
यदीश्वरे भगवति कर्म ब्रह्मणि भावितम् ॥ ३२॥
Brahmarishi! My father, God Brahma who is the best of beings can sing
Vedas only because of your initiation & support.
Submission of all our actions to Lord Purushottama is the only divine medicine for curing difficulties causing distress.
I am indicating this secret what I have learned and understood as
submission to you.
आमयो यश्च भूतानां जायते येन सुव्रत ।
तदेव ह्यामयं द्रव्यं न पुनाति चिकित्सितम् ॥ ३३॥
एवं नृणां क्रियायोगाः सर्वे संसृतिहेतवः ।
त एवात्मविनाशाय कल्पन्ते कल्पिताः परे ॥ ३४॥
If the food substance causing ill health is used to
prepare the medicine and if that very medicine is used to cure the disease, will not heal. Similarly, all Karya or actions of human deeds are associated
with sins causing bind to the cycle of death & birth. Therefore, with the same kriya yoga, the cycle of death & birth cannot be broken. However, by submission of same Karya or deed
to the Lord, the relation of that very activity or deed will get disassociated
with the individual. So too, the sins associated with such actions or deeds
will fall without an attachment causing no-bind with the cycle of death &
यदत्र क्रियते कर्म भगवत्परितोषणम् ।
ज्ञानं यत्तदधीनं हि भक्तियोगसमन्वितम् ॥ ३५॥
The deserving actions leading to the activity of
propitiating Lord for pleasing him by submission bestows knowledge &
bhakti. The knowledge and bhakti thus obtained is a part & parcel of Bhakti
कुर्वाणा यत्र कर्माणि भगवच्छिक्षयासकृत् ।
गृणन्ति गुणनामानि कृष्णस्यानुस्मरन्ति च ॥ ३६॥
All actions of those activities associated with
pleasing Lord is considered as His dictum to be performed. Hence, people accept
such directions of Lord Krishna by remembering him and singing his attributes repeatedly
with unrelenting efforts.
Also, they worship the Lord in his four formations as,
नमो भगवते तुभ्यं वासुदेवाय धीमहि ।
प्रद्युम्नायानिरुद्धाय नमः सङ्कर्षणाय च ॥ ३७॥
Salutations to Bhagavan Vasudeva and our meditation to
Him. Also, Salutations to his forms of Sankarshana, Pradumna, and Aniruddha.
इति मूर्त्यभिधानेन मन्त्रमूर्तिममूर्तिकम् ।
यजते यज्ञपुरुषं स सम्यग्दर्शनः पुमान् ॥ ३८॥
This way doing the sankeertana of the four formations
of Lord Vasudeva, who has no influence of Prakriti being in the form of mantra
or sacred text and to whom all worship would reach as he is the only Yagna
Purusha is a Jnani or Learned & smart.
इमं स्वनिगमं ब्रह्मन्नवेत्य मदनुष्ठितम् ।
अदान्मे ज्ञानमैश्वर्यं स्वस्मिन् भावं च केशवः ॥ ३९॥
I too, as per the wish of Lord Bhagavan carried on with my life having
great devotion in him. Doing activities that have been submitted to him.
Pleased with that, Lord Keshava, always being worshipped by Gods Brahma & Shiva blessed me with Atma Jnana or self-realization, Ishwarya, and
त्वमप्यदभ्रश्रुतविश्रुतं विभोः समाप्यते येन विदां बुभुत्सितम् ।
आख्याहि ।प्रख्याहि दुःखैर्मुहुरर्दितात्मनां सङ्क्लेशनिर्वाणमुशन्ति नान्यथा ॥ ४०॥
The Lord of the treasure of Knowledge, you are poorna or complete. You
should compose the fame of Lord, his sports charms that is adorable. By
remembering him, singing his fame, thinking about him, all that has to be known
will be understood. Even for the most intellectual, the delibrations will get completed as nothing will remain to be
Also, the various types of difficulties causing sorrow will start
disappearing. But for this, there is no other strategy to accomplish Solace.
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां प्रथमस्कन्धे व्यासनारदसंवादे पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ॥ ५॥
With this, we complete a part of "Conversation between Lord Veda
Vyasa and Narada Rishi" as fifth Adhyaya, of Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1.
We could do so only with the grace of Guru Sri Raghavendra and all his
philosophical associates including Sri Saunaka & his fellow Rishis, Sri
Sutacahrya, Sri Sukachary, God Vayu, and Sri Hari as their Jnana Prasada.
By comparing this conversation to the second verse of Mangalacharna
wherein Lord Veda Vyasa has said,
धर्मः प्रोज्झितकैतवोऽत्र परमो निर्मत्सराणां सतां वेद्यं वास्तवमत्र वस्तु शिवदं तापत्रयोन्मूलनम् ।
श्रीमद्भागवते महामुनिकृते किं वा परैरीश्वरः सद्यो हृद्यवरुध्यतेऽत्र कृतिभिः शुश्रूषुभिस्तत्क्षणात् ॥
Srimad Bhagavatam contains the complete knowledge
of Dharma which holds one from falling down, purifies and puts on to the path
leading to the Lord. This path seeks the continued practice of honoring,
worshipping, admiring & praising The Lord without any jealousy or
expectation nor being deceptive. While being on the path, removes all sorts of
difficulties, bestows prosperity, makes one sajjana or virtuous and solidify
bhakti or devotion. Hence, Srimad Bhagavatam composed by The Lord Veda Vyasa
himself is great and guarantees to reveal the Lord who is always present in the
heart of all the individuals.
Deva Rishi Narada has a deep understanding of Lord Veda Vyasa’s
teachings to letter & spirit. In fact, being an axiom, he has siddhi or
perfection. Therefore, his conversation is an elaboration of the above second
verse of mangalacharna. Consistent to the प्रोज्झित or projjhita dharma of being jealous and having expectations always that is worthy of being shunned by the
virtuous, Narada Rishi has submitted to Lord requesting to preach निवृत्ति Nivruti dharma of abstaining from it.
This is a worthy milestone because of all that is in rest of Srimad
Bhagavatam is an elaboration of this first five Adhyaya of first Skanda. Also,
all that is in the first five Adhyaya is summarised in the first three Adhyaya and
in turn summarised in the first three verses of Srimad Bhagavatam and further
summarised as the first verse. Also, every reading and contemplation of these
five Adhyaya is like peeling a layer before reaching the core. Hence, let’s
pray to Lord Hari, Vayu & Gurus to bless us with repeated studies of these
five Adhyaya and the study of rest of Srimad Bhagavatam.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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