Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Kunti Stotra
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
नन्दगोपकुमाराय गोविन्दाय नमो नमः ॥
Sri Krishna! Being a hope to the
imprisoned Devaki & Vasudeva caused happiness by mesmerizing Nandagopa,
Gopikas and even the Goddess of abundant beauty. Vasudeva! creation,
sustenance, destruction and so on is a sports charm of you. Govinda! you are
the cause & protector of Vedas.
Krishna, Vasudeva, Devaki Nandana,
Nanda Gopa Kumara, Govinda,
My repeated salutations to you.
My repeated salutations to you.
नमः पङ्कजनाभाय नमः पङ्कजमालिने ।
नमः पङ्कजनेत्राय नमस्ते पङ्कजाङ्घ्रये ॥
My salutations to the Lotus of the navel. My
salutations to the Lotus garlanded.
My salutations to Lotus petal eye. My
salutations to the Lotus feet.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa,
the destroyer of emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of
abundance having heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated
salutations to you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the
experience of the Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on the
transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death and
birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is very secretive in nature.
Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your continued blessings.
यद्भनौ यत्क्र्शानौ यदमृतकिरणे यद् ग्रहेषू दितेषु
ज्योतिर्यत्तारकासु प्रथितमणिषु यद्यच्च सौदामिनिषु ।
सम्भूयौतत् समस्तं त्वदमितह्रदयाकाशनिर्यत्प्रकाशे
धीर श्रीराघवेन्द्रव्रतिवरभजते हन्त खद्योतरीतिम् ॥
The brightness of the Sun, Fire,
Moon, Planets, Stars, Gems, Precious stones and Lightening put together is just
like a firefly near the astonishing brilliance emanating from your lotus of
Heart wherein the five forms of Lord Sri Rama, Sri Narasimha, Sri Veda Vyasa,
Sri Krishna and Sriman Narayana are present in a significant way bestowing you
the Brahmavarchas or the Sacred Knowledge.
Gentle & Holy Sage, Sri
Raghvendra, भजते, I worship you by surrendering myself.
After the war of Kurukshetra, Lord Sri Krishna saw
to it that Yudhistira ascended the throne of the Kuru Kingdom. Thus ensuring
the reinstatement of Dharmarajya or fair & just governance to the
common people. Subsequently, when Lord Sri Krishna bid farewell and boarded the
chariot to proceed to Dwarka, Uttara Devi ran towards him seeking his
protection to the baby in her womb from Brahmashirshastra that was executed by
Ashwathama. With one of his forms of brilliance, Lord entered the womb of Uttara
Devi and neutralized the aggression of the Brahmashirshastra.
After narrating all this to Sri Shaunaka &
fellow rishis, Sri Sutacharya started narrating the famous Kunti Stotra that
has the power of bestowing Aparoksha Jnana. She addressed Sri Krishna as the
Supreme Lord or Adi Purusha in recognition of His Lordship. She praised Sri
Krishna's Supremacy over Prakriti or Goddess Lakshmi and the best of Jiva or
God Brahma. She sang the attributes of Lord, his names and the Sports Charm.
We as common human beings encounter difficulties
every now and then. Most of us without a second thought, run to the Lord
seeking an immediate solution for every difficulty we encounter. We do this at
the drop of a hat. We want his blessings and protections only when we go wrong.
But hardly we realize that all happenings of delight are because of the
blessings of Lord. So too, the solutions to all our problems. Hence, we miss
upon our sense of gratitude.
However, the most noteworthy virtue exhibited by
Kunti Devi is Titiksha or having the patience to endure the ragging of samsara
or the grind of life. Hence, in this
Stotra or the praises to Lord, Kunti Devi assigns the attribute of Lord giving
difficulties to Jiva as the kindest, compassionate, and bridge towards
Continuing on Kunti Stotra, Kunti Devi says,
गोप्याददे त्वयि कृतागसि दाम तावद्या ते दशाश्रुकलिलाञ्जनसम्भ्रमाक्षम् ।
वक्त्रं निनीय भयभावनया स्थितस्य सा मां विमोहयति भीरपि यद्बिभेति ॥ ३१॥
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Damodara |
Lord! I have heard the stories about you.
Appearing in the house of Yashoda and Nanda Gopa, you have been showing your
sports Charm. One day you happened to break the earthen pot full of butter.
Yashoda not realizing your Lordship brought a rope to tie you up. The reaction
displayed by you to Yashoda Devi scares me, Says Kunti Devi.
Though full of attributes and stainless, your eyes
filled with tears mixing with the grease of eye black had flowed down your
cheeks arousing the extreme feeling of motherhood. You appeared as if being
scared to Yashoda Devi’s rope and dropped your head as if you had done a
Meditating on this form of you makes me illusioned
every time. I'm Scared of being misled by your acts. Oh! My Lord, the death
itself is scared of you, how could Yashoda scare you?
केचिदाहुरजं जातं पुण्यश्लोकस्य कीर्तये ।
यदोः प्रियस्यान्ववाये मलयस्येव चन्दनम् ॥ ३२॥
अपरे वसुदेवस्य देवक्यां याचितोऽभ्यगात् ।
अजस्त्वमस्य क्षेमाय वधाय च सुरद्विषाम् ॥ ३३॥
भारावतारणायान्ये भुवो नाव इवोदधौ ।
सीदन्त्या भूरिभारेण जातो ह्यात्मभुवार्थितः ॥ ३४॥
भवेऽस्मिन् क्लिश्यमानानामविद्याकामकर्मभिः ।
श्रवणस्मरणार्हाणि करिष्यन्निति केचन ॥ ३५॥
For you, there is no birth nor death. Yet you
appeared as the son of Devaki & Vasudeva and grew up with Yashoda &
Nanda Gopa. The great saints opine that you did so,
To increase the fame of Malaya hills where
sandalwood trees grow in abundance due to your blessings.
To bring fame to Yashoda & Nanda Gopa and to the Yadhu clan.
As your appearance is a divine verse well-spoken
of having good fame.
The other great saints believe that in the
previous birth of Devaki & Vasudeva as Sutapa & Vrishni you had blessed
them with a boon that you would be born to them as their Son. Hence you
appeared as the son of Devaki & Vasudeva.
Also, as requested by Gods to cause prosperity on
Earth and the destruction of the wicked, you appeared as the son of Devaki
& Vasudeva.
Some others believe that as the sinners had
carried out intense and large sins, their weight on mother earth had increased
enormously making her unbearable. Hence, the extremely troubled mother earth
had started sinking in the middle of the sea. Therefore, God Brahma had prayed
to you for her help and hence you appeared on earth.
In this intense cycle of death & birth wrapped
in ignorance having a keen desire for endless actions, people are stuck with
sorrow & grief. With an intent to remember, hear, read your divine sports
charm that uplifts “we the people suffering from sorrow & grief” you have
appeared on earth, say some.
शृण्वन्ति गायन्ति गृणन्त्यभीक्ष्णशः स्मरन्ति नन्दन्ति तवेहितं जनाः ।
त एव पश्यन्त्यचिरेण तावकं भवप्रवाहोपरमं पदाम्बुजम् ॥ ३६॥
However, your fortunate devotees remain happy as
they are blessed with a taste to hear of your stories, singing your glories
& names repeatedly. Also, remember your sports charm always. Only such
devotees of yours would be able to break the cycle of death & birth. They
will have the sight of your Lotus feet and take refuge only there.
अप्यद्य नस्त्वं स्वकृतेहित प्रभो जिहाससि स्वित्सुहृदोऽनुजीविनः ।
येषां न चान्यद्भवतः पदाम्बुजात्परायणं राजसु योजितांहसाम् ॥ ३७॥
My Lord! You are like the Kalpavruksha or the wish
fulfilling tree of heaven on earth to your devotees. We are yours, you’re our
relative and we live in your shadow. Do
you wish to leave us and proceed your way to Dwarka?
Lord! You know how all the kings on this earth
harbor enmity against us. Your Lotus Feet is the only place where we have a
refuge. So, please do not leave us.
के वयं नामरूपाभ्यां यदुभिः सह पाण्डवाः ।
भवतोऽदर्शनं यर्हि हृषीकाणामिवेशितुः ॥ ३८॥
Atma is the bearer and motivator of all Indriya.
Other than Atma, who else can give a place for the existence to Indriyas and
power them? Similarly, my Lord! without your presence and sight, how could the
clan of Yadhu and Pandavas have a name, form, existence, and power? How can
they live?
नेयं शोभिष्यते तत्र यथेदानीं गदाधर ।
त्वत्पदैरङ्किता भाति स्वलक्षणविलक्षितैः ॥ ३९॥
My Lord! Gadadhara! You hold the mace named Kaumodaki. Your divine Lotus feet have auspicious symbols and have made
this place of Kuru kingdom special and beautiful. Your departure would make
this place dull.
इमे जनपदाः स्वृद्धाः सुपक्वौषधिवीरुधः ।
वनाद्रिनद्युदन्वन्तो ह्येधन्ते तव वीक्षितैः ॥ ४०॥
The kind-hearted Lord! Your glimpse of favor has
yielded an abundance of food grains, fruits & flowers, creepers, plants,
and trees. Even the countryside is filled with lakes & rivers. The forests,
hills, and mountains are filled with natural resources with just your glimpse.
अथ विश्वेश विश्वात्मन् विश्वमूर्ते स्वकेषु मे ।
स्नेहपाशमिमं छिन्धि दृढं पाण्डुषु वृष्णिषु ॥ ४१॥
Lord of the Universe! This whole universe is An idol of you. Inside, are you as a universal soul. A deep sense of affection in
Pandavas & Yadavas has grown in me and has made me possessive. This affable
relationship is of Prakriti and limited to the physical body. Hence, I pray to
you to kindly cut this bind of affection.
त्वयि मेऽनन्यविषया मतिर्मधुपतेऽसकृत् ।
रतिमुद्वहतादद्धा गङ्गेवौघमुदन्वति ॥ ४२॥
Madhupati! Your appearance in the family of Madhu
has brought fame to the Yadhu clan. Lord Sri Krishna, like the entire water
flowing in the river Ganga, merges with the sea, so too should my mind without
straying here and there and my heart oozing with the nectar of divine love
should flow only towards you and only you.
श्रीकृष्ण कृष्णसख वृष्ण्यृषभावनिध्रुग्राजन्यवंशदहनानपवर्गवीर्य ।
गोविन्द गोद्विजसुरार्तिहरावतार योगेश्वराखिलगुरो भगवन् नमस्ते ॥ ४३॥
Sri Krishna! The dear friend of Arjuna! Vrishni!
The jewel in the crown of Yadhu clan! The fire burning down the sinners
disguised as Kings! The brave hero! Govinda! The cause & protector of
Vedas, Godvija! The protector of Cows & twice-born, having come to remove
the difficulties of Gods, my Lord! The Lord of Yoga! Guru! Bhagavan! My
repeated Salutations to You.
Sri Sutacharya says to Shaunaka & fellow
सूत उवाच
पृथयेत्थं कलपदैः परिणूताखिलोदयः ।
मन्दं जहास वैकुण्ठो मोहयन्निव मायया ॥ ४४॥
तां बाढमित्युपामन्त्र्य प्रविश्य गजसाह्वयम् ।
स्त्रियश्च स्वपुरं यास्यन् प्रेम्णा राज्ञा निवारितः ॥ ४५॥
This way Kunti Devi praised the Lord with sweet
words singing his names and sports charm. Hearing this, ever-charming Lord Sri
Krishna who has Vaikuntha as his abode accepted Kunti Devi's request to stay
back in Hastinapura. The entire crowd with a heavy heart that had assembled to see him off were mesmerized
with his gentle smile. A second of pin-drop silence engulfed the surrounding
with the spellbound crowd and everyone distinctly heard Lord Saying to Kunti
Devi, “Aunt! So may it be.”
As the crowd cheered watching him, Lord Sri Krishna walked
back towards the palace accompanied with the King Yudhishthira, Sister Subhadra
and others who had all opposed his travel to Dwarka.
|| Hari Om ||
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