Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - King Yudhishthira second-guessing Arjuna
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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Hare Srinivasa |
कल्यण अद्भुत गात्राय कामितार्थ प्रदयिने ।
श्रीमद् वेन्कटनाथाय श्रीनिवासय ते नम: ॥
Your benevolence for granting wishes
is incredibly vast and unsurpassed.
Divine Lord Venkateshwara! Destroyer
of Sins! An abode of Mahalakshmi! Srinivasa!
My salutations to you.
भवाय नस्त्वं भव विश्वभावन त्वमेव माताथ सुहृत्पतिः पिता ।
त्वं सद्गुरुर्नः परमं च दैवतं यस्यानुवृत्त्या कृतिनो बभूविम ॥ ७॥
Vishwabhavana! From you, the whole
universe has arisen. Suhrtpati! You are the mother, the father, you are the
friend, as well as our teacher. Sadguru! It is you, who makes us walk on the
right path. You are our lord, as well as being worshipped. We are safe and
successful by taking refuge in your lotus feet which are auspicious.
Lord! You
are the only cause of our success.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa,
the destroyer of emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of
abundance having heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated
salutations to you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the
experience of the Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is
very secretive in nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your
continued blessings.
दयादाक्षिण्यवैराग्यवाक्पाटवमुखाङिकतः ।
शापानुृग्रहशक्तोऽन्यो राघवेन्द्रन्नविध्यते ॥
The face symbolizing Compassion;
Modesty; Dispassion towards sensual pleasure; Eloquence; Power to remove curses
is none else than you, Guru Raghavendra.
My salutations to you.
My salutations to you.
Sri Sutacharya continued narrating the story in
detail of how the five sons of Pandu departed from the earth and ascended to
Heaven. Hearing this story of the dear devotees of Lord and a friend of him
would give bhakti in the Lotus feet of Lord which in turn delivers Mukti or the
release of confinement from the cycle of death and birth.
The worried king Yudhishthira was narrating a
series of bad omens that he was observing to his brother Bheemasena. During the
same time, Arjuna returned from Dwarka. Arjuna seeing his two elder brothers
Bheemasena and Yudhishthira prostrated at their feet offering his salutations.
Arjuna appearing like never before was filled with
melancholy. Unable to show his face, he hanged his head with sadness. His eyes
were wet and tears were rolling down his cheeks. The befuddled king
Yudhishthira asked,
युधिष्ठिर उवाच
कच्चिदानर्तपुर्यां नः स्वजनाः सुखमासते ।
मधुभोजदशार्हार्हसात्वतान्धकवृष्णयः ॥ २५॥
Arjuna! Are all our relatives and friends fine at
Dwarka? Are Madhus, Bojas, Dasarhas, and Satvatas – the grandsons of Yadhus,
and their grandsons and sons - Andhakas, and Vrishnis fine?
शूरो मातामहः कच्चित्स्वस्त्यास्ते वाथ मारिषः ।
मातुलः सानुजः कच्चित्कुशल्यानकदुन्दुभिः ॥ २६॥
सप्त स्वसारस्तत्पत्न्यो मातुलान्यः सहात्मजाः ।
आसते सस्नुषाः क्षेमं देवकीप्रमुखाः स्वयम् ॥ २७॥
Is our grandfather, Shoorasena fine? Also, are our
uncle Vasudeva, his brothers, our aunts, Devaki, and his other six wives along
with their children fine? King Yudhishthira remembered each one
of them.
कच्चिद्राजाऽऽहुको जीवत्यसत्पुत्रोऽस्य चानुजः ।
हृदीकः ससुतोऽक्रूरो जयन्तगदसारणाः ॥ २८॥
आसते कुशलं कच्चिद्ये च शत्रुजिदादयः ।
कच्चिदास्ते सुखं रामो भगवान् सात्वतां प्रभुः ॥ २९॥
Is Ahuka fine? What about his sons, Ugrasena and
Devaka? Ugrasena was already unhappy for having an evil son, Kamsa. Are
Hrudika, his son Krataverma, Akrura, Jayanta, Gada, Sarana, Shutrajit, and
others fine?
Also, is the head of Yadavas, the divine God
Balrama, doing well?
प्रद्युम्नः सर्ववृष्णीनां सुखमास्ते महारथः ।
गम्भीररयोऽनिरुद्धो वर्धते भगवानुत ॥ ३०॥
Is Pradyumna, the very important person and a great warrior of the Yadhu Clan doing well? His speed and profoundness of actions on the war field are exemplary. Also, how about Anirudha? He is divine and worthy of being worshiped! Is he pleased and happy? Asked king Yudhishthira to the just arrived Arjuna.In the Forms and The Fame of Lord Bhagavan, we noted that,
तृतीयं ऋषिसर्गं च देवर्षित्वमुपेत्य सः ।
तन्त्रं सात्वतमाचष्ट नैष्कर्म्यं कर्मणां यतः ॥ ८॥
In the third, Lord appears as Mahidasa connected to both Gods and Rishis and has been called Devarishi. As Mahidasa, Lord initiated Devarishi Narada with Pancharatra Samhita outlining nishkama karma or actions propitiating Lord without expectation as Satvika Technique or Tantra.
एकोनविंशे विंशतिमे वृष्णिषु प्राप्य जन्मनी ।
रामकृष्णाविति भुवो भगवानहरद्भरम् ॥ २३॥
In his nineteenth and twentieth form, The Lord
appeared as Balarama and Sri Krishna in the dynasty of Yadu to reduce the
weight of Sin on mother earth. Like in Pritu Maharaja, Lord Shveta Kesha being
white, with broad shoulders having four arms carrying Shanka, Chakra, Gadha and the Padma have his presence in a significant way in God Balarama. God Balarama is a
form of God Sesha and has Lord Swetakesha as his indweller.
The Pancharatras propounded by Lord Mahidasa describes
the origin and development of the universe. Lord Sriman Narayana is present
inside and outside of this universe. During the process of creation, he takes
the four forms or chaturvyuha. As Vasudeva, he is Paramapurusha appearing in
the Vaikunta, the supreme region of this universe. Vaikunta is his abode and an
object to be accomplished by uttama jivas or the best types. He subsequently
takes the form of Sankarshana for destruction, Pradyumna for Preservation, and
Aniruddha for Creation.
The Jivas or the soul are in the womb of Sriman
Narayana during the period of maha pralaya. At the start of creation, the Jivas
are transferred to the wombs of Pradyumna and Aniruddha where the soul is
wrapped with Linga Deha and Sukshma Deha based on the karma or acts in the
previous Kalpa and its merits and sins accounted thereof. Subsequently, through
God Brahma, the Jiva reaches his parents and falls into the cycle of death and
In Dwapara Yuga too, Lord in all those four forms. Lord Vasudeva
appeared as Sri Krishna. As Sankarshana or Swetakesha, he appeared as the indweller of God Balrama. And as Lord Pradyumna, appeared as the son of
Sri Krishna and as Anirudha, he appeared as his grandson.
सुषेणश्चारुदेष्णश्च साम्बो जाम्बवतीसुतः ।
अन्ये च कार्ष्णिप्रवराः सपुत्रा ऋषभादयः ॥ ३१॥
How about Sushena, Charudeshna, Samba - the son of
Jambuvati, Rushaba, and other sons and grandsons of Lord Sri Krishna? Are they
all fine?
This way king Yudhishthira asked each of his near
and dear ones with their name. He was very eager and concerned! As he took each
one's name, the tears for Arjuna's eyes only increased and were profusely
King Yudhishthira continued to ask Arjuna,
तथैवानुचराः शौरेः श्रुतदेवोद्धवादयः ।
सुनन्दनन्दशीर्षण्या ये चान्ये सात्वतर्षभाः ॥ ३२॥
अपि स्वस्त्यासते सर्वे रामकृष्णभुजाश्रयाः ।
अपि स्मरन्ति कुशलमस्माकं बद्धसौहृदाः ॥ ३३॥
What about Lord Sri Krishna’s companions who are
always at his service? How is Shrutadeva, Uddhava, and other important Yadavas?
How about Nanda, Sunanda, and others? How are all the other people of Yadhu
clan being protected by the physical strength of the divine God Balrama and
Lord Sri Krishna?
Do all of them have love and affection towards us?
Are they in amity with us? Are they our well-wishers? Please tell Arjuna! Why
have you fallen silent?
भगवानपि गोविन्दो ब्रह्मण्यो भक्तवत्सलः ।
कच्चित्पुरे सुधर्मायां सुखमास्ते सुहृद्वृतः ॥ ३४॥
Only Vedas can explain our Lord, Sri Krishna. He is
Govinda, the cause of Vedas & protector of the same. The Brahmins recite
these Vedas and it propounds only him. Hence, he loves those Brahmins who
practice recitation of Vedas beyond a measure. Does that Lord Krishna, the
Bhagavan, who precedes the Vaikunta and carries out the administration with सुधर्मा or the fair and just law is pleased and happy among his near and dear?
Is Lord blessing happiness to his near and dear?
मङ्गलाय च लोकानां क्षेमाय च भवाय च ।
आस्ते यदुकुलाम्भोधावाद्योऽनन्तसखः पुमान् ॥ ३५॥
यद्बाहुदण्डगुप्तायां स्वपुर्यां यदवोऽर्चिताः ।
क्रीडन्ति परमानन्दं महापौरुषिका इव ॥ ३६॥
That only Primordial man; the source of the
Universe; the Supreme Soul; The Indweller of all the being; along with God
Balrama is appearing in the vast clan of Yadhus as Sri Krishna to only bring
sacredness, auspiciousness, righteousness, safety, tranquillity on this earth, and bless moksha or release from the confinement of death and birth.
Are the people of Dwarka happy and living only
under the protection of Lord Sri Krishna and God Balrama?
यत्पादशुश्रूषणमुख्यकर्मणा सत्यादयो द्व्यष्टसहस्रयोषितः ।
निर्जित्य सङ्ख्ये त्रिदशांस्तदाशिषो हरन्ति वज्रायुधवल्लभोचिताः ॥ ३७॥
For Satyabhama, and other sixteen thousand wives
of Lord Sri Krishna, serving his lotus feet have become vital like a breath
and goal of life. This has brought them the privilege and the possession of
goddess Suchi Devi, the queen of heaven. Lord Sri Krishna has brought them the
Parijatha flowering plant from heaven after defeating God Indra, the king of
heaven in a battle.
Hence, are Satyabhama and the other sixteen
thousand wives of Lord Sri Krishna lost in ecstasy?
यद्बाहुदण्डाभ्युदयानुजीविनोयदुप्रवीरा ह्यकुतोभया मुहुः ।
अधिक्रमन्त्यङ्घ्रिभिराहृतां बलात्सभां सुधर्मां सुरसत्तमोचिताम् ॥ ३८॥
So too, the valorous Yadhu clan are enjoying the
privileges and the possessions of the Gods of heaven including सुधर्मा or the fair and just law of heaven on earth. They have been able to
bring this to earth with the strength of Lord Sri Krishna. Are they all fine?
This way king Yudhishthira enquired about Lord Sri
Krishna, his glory, the grandeur he brought to Dwarka, and about his near &
dear Yadhu clan. However, Arjuna was hit with several thoughts of his dear
friend Sri Krishna. He continued weeping unable to speak a word, he stood with
his head hanged in shame
Noting this, king Yudhishthira asked,
कच्चित्तेऽनामयं तात भ्रष्टतेजा विभासि मे ।
अलब्धमानोऽवज्ञातः किं वा तात चिरोषितः ॥ ३९॥
Arjuna! What has happened to you? Why are you
appearing dull, losing the charm and the glow in your face?
Did Yadavas insult you?
कच्चिन्नाभिहतोऽभावैः शब्दादिभिरमङ्गलैः ।
न दत्तमुक्तमर्थिभ्य आशया यत्प्रतिश्रुतम् ॥ ४०॥
Has someone abused you with bad emotions, or
caused any inauspiciousness, and pained you? Or were you unable to meet your
promise given to someone desirous of something? Or had you promised to give
someone something and unable to meet your promise?
कच्चित्त्वं ब्राह्मणं बालं गां वृद्धं रोगिणं स्त्रियम् ।
शरणोपसृतं सत्त्वं नात्याक्षीः शरणप्रदः ॥ ४१॥
Arjuna! You would not let down those who take
refuge in you. Could you not protect a Brahmin, or a Child, or a Cow, or an old
one, or a Sick, or a fragile Women, or even an Animal who took your refuge?
कच्चित्त्वं नागमोऽगम्यां गम्यां वाऽसत्कृतां स्त्रियम् ।
पराजितो वाथ भवान् नोत्तमैर्नासमैः पथि ॥ ४२॥
Have you had an illicit relationship with a woman
of low social stature or even a dalliance? Or did you have a relationship with
any of your honorable wife without religious observance and her consent?
Or did you lose in a battle with someone weaker
than you or even with someone of your strength?
अपि स्वित्पर्यभुंक्थास्त्वं सम्भोज्यान् वृद्धबालकान् ।
जुगुप्सितं कर्म किञ्चित्कृतवान् न यदक्षमम् ॥ ४३॥
Else, Arjuna! By any chance, did you have food
before kids had or the older ones? They should get the priority! I’m
sure you wouldn’t have done that. Nor would you have carried out activities
that are not to your stature!
कच्चित्प्रेष्ठतमेनाथ हृदयेनात्मबन्धुना ।
शून्योऽस्मि रहितो नित्यं मन्यसे तेऽन्यथा न रुक् ॥ ४४॥
Or for having left behind the kind-hearted,
compassionate and a dearest friend, Lord Sri Krishna in Dwarka, are you feeling
as शून्यो or void and destitute? Has the fire of separation
engulfed you?
If these are not the reasons, what is the cause
for your anguish? You are suffering from trauma! Please tell Arjuna! Pleaded
King Yudhishthira.
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां प्रथमस्कन्धे
युधिष्ठिरवितर्को नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्यायः ॥ १४॥
With this, we complete "King Yudhishthira second-guessing Arjuna” the fourteenth Adhyaya, of Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1.
सूत उवाच
एवं कृष्णसखः कृष्णो भ्रात्रा राज्ञा विकल्पितः ।
नानाशङ्कास्पदं रूपं कृष्णविश्लेषकर्शितः ॥ १॥
Sri Sutacharya says, Sri Shaunaka! Arjuna was
engulfed in the fire of separation from his dearest friend Sri Krishna. He had
become weak and tired. Fatigue had taken over him! King Yudhishthira
second-guessing Arjuna had fired a series of questions on him.
शोकेन शुष्यद्वदनहृत्सरोजो हतप्रभः ।
विभुं तमेवानुध्यायन्नाशक्नोत्प्रतिभाषितुम् ॥ २॥
Due to sorrows and fatigue, Arjuna’s face and the
lotus of heart had wilted! As his mind space was fully occupied about his
separation with his dearest friend Sri Krishna, he could not reply to King
यः श्रद्धयैतद्भगवत्प्रियाणां पाण्डोः सुतानामिति सम्प्रयाणम् ।
शृणोत्यलं स्वस्त्ययनं पवित्रं लब्ध्वा हरौ भक्तिमुपैति सिद्धिम् ॥
Sri Shaunaka! Hearing this divine, auspicious, and
the purest story of the Pandava's journey to heaven with full faith, attention,
and devotion; the story of the journey of the devout and dear friends of Lord
Sri Krishna would yield Bhakti in the lotus feet of Lord. The Bhakti in turn
yields Mukti shearing the bind of the cycle of death and birth.
Hence, let's pray to Lord Hari, God Vayu, and Guru
Sri Raghvendra for their continued blessings to hear the remaining detailed
story of how the sons of Pandu ascended to heaven.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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