Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Sublimed with Spiritual Purity
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Hare Srinivasa |
My salutations to you.
Continuing with Bhoo Devi’s praises of the Lord,
प्रागल्भ्यं प्रश्रयः शीलं सह ओजो बलं भगः ।
गाम्भीर्यं स्थैर्यमास्तिक्यं कीर्तिर्मानोऽनहङ्कृतिः ॥ २८॥
मानः or Respect. The other biggest attribute in Lord
is to find attributes in each individual and respect them for the same. By
worshipping the Lord for this attribute of मनन or respecting individuals for their attributes, the self-respect
increases including various good attributes manifest in the Yogi.
Our Lord has the attribute of अनहङ्कृति or free from being Proud or self-conceit of inordinate self-esteem. This is because the Lord does not accept those that do not belong to him as his own. Though the entire world is his creation and under his control, the all-knowing Lord makes a clear distinction of the following:
- The distinction between each inanimate matter of Prakriti present as primordial from immeasurable time in the past.
- The distinction between the inanimate matter and living soul or jiva.
- The distinction between each living soul or jiva present from immeasurable time in the past.
- The distinction between the inanimate matter and himself is made of happiness and knowledge.
- Also, the distinction between each living soul and himself, the supreme Lord.
We studied this when we went through the attribute of Tyaga or
Sacrifice. The Lord is Omniscience at all times, he does not have an
illusionary or false sense of possession on that object or subject that does
not belong to him. By worshipping the Lord having this attribute of अनहङ्कृति or free from being Proud or self-conceit or inordinate
self-esteem, we will be blessed with the knowledge of Axiom
that नाहं कर्ता हरिः कर्ता or the doer of all the acts are Lord. He does so as an Indweller of
each Jiva, the Indweller of each Indrya or sensory organs in a Jiva.
Also, by worshipping that the Lord is free from being Proud or
self-conceit or inordinate self-esteem, the same attribute starts
manifesting in the individual.
एते चान्ये च भगवन् नित्या यत्र महागुणाः ।
प्रार्थ्या महत्त्वमिच्छद्भिर्न वियन्ति स्म कर्हिचित् ॥ २९॥
Dharmapurusha! These and many more wonderful attributes manifest in our
Lord like the river water flowing downhill. These are intrinsic to him and flow
naturally. Those who wish to develop their personality, accomplish the
objectives of Life, should practice syncing with these attributes of the Lord
and relentlessly worship him and reach closer to him.
Modern-day science has been working with an objective to accomplish
Healthier Mind & improve the Emotional Life of people. However, the Sanathana, or the oldest religion dealing with metaphysics has laid down the purpose of
life is to accomplish Purushartha or object of human endeavor. To ensure
that one does not get lost in his pursuit has comprehensively explained
the purposes of each Purushartha as Dharma or righteousness, Kama, and Artha to
accomplish Moksha.
Currently, the most common practice in society is, one should follow
Dharma to meet Kama or desire. From the Kama, one gets Artha or wealth. Wealth
gives happiness or Indriya Preeti. This happiness is materialistic in nature
experienced through sense organs, maybe taste or sight or music, fragrance or
touch or a mix of these and driven by Corporates and Economists. Wherein,
economic growth is achieved by increasing consumption. While the consumption of
products and services by individuals, families, and states would increase the
top line of corporations and businesses, it is binding each one of us as
individuals to worldly attachments with a negative impact on the health of mind
and emotional life.
Lord Veda Vyasa has incorporated procedural learning for
transformation of habits, behavior, and self-identity in Srimad Bhagavatam. It
helps to cure emotional & behavioral disorders by working on the
neuroplasticity of the brain and being sublimed with spiritual purity. Hence,
Sri Sutacharya in Srimad Bhagavatam is telling that by the performance of Dharma,
Bhakti should blossom. i.e.
धर्मस्य ह्यापवर्ग्यस्य नार्थोऽर्थायोपकल्पते |
नार्थस्य धर्मैकान्तस्य कामो लाभाय हि स्मृतः ||
कामस्य नेन्द्रियप्रीतिर्लाभो जीवेत यावता |
जीवस्यातत्त्वजिज्ञासोर्नार्थो यश्चेह कर्मभिः ||
ह्यापवर्ग्यस्य धर्मस्य or One needs to perform
dharma to accomplish Moksha. Also, नार्थस्य धर्मैकान्तस्य or wealth has to be
used to do dharma. Artha is Wealth that includes spouse, children, vehicles,
gold, house, money, health, body, and so on. Hence, Kama or desire is a
consumable like food to nourish, clean water to drink & bath, clothes to
wear, sleep to rest & refresh, house to live, relationship for social
security, spiritual practices for self-esteem & identity, and so on
Then the question arises if the performance of dharma gives Moksha and
also, the wealth has to be used for the performance of dharma, then how is wealth
going to come? While the Kama is the desire
Sri Sutacharya is telling कामस्य नेन्द्रियप्रीति. That is, desire for food should not be for its flavor or happiness of
tongue. One should not consume for the happiness of sense organs. कामो लाभाय हि स्मृतः, one should consume as
minimum as required. In other words, one should consume the minimum for
performance of maximum Dharma and जीवेत यावता as much as required for living.
The answer to the question of “how is wealth going to come?” is an
important Bhagavata Dharma that was elaborated in the below divine verse or
धर्मः प्रोज्झितकैतवोऽत्र परमो निर्मत्सराणां सतां वेद्यं वास्तवमत्र वस्तु शिवदं तापत्रयोन्मूलनम्।
श्रीमद्भागवते महामुनिकृते किं वा परैरीश्वरः सद्यो हृद्यवरुध्यतेऽत्र कृतिभिः शुश्रूषुभिस्तत्क्षणात॥
Srimad Bhagavatam contains the complete knowledge of Dharma which holds
one from falling down purifies and puts on to the path leading to the Lord.
This path seeks the continued practice of honoring, worshipping, admiring &
praising The Lord without any jealousy or expectation nor being deceptive.
While being on the path, it removes all sorts of difficulties, giving wealth
bestows prosperity, makes one Sajjan or virtuous, solidifies bhakti or
devotion and reveals the Lord who is always present in the Lotus of the heart of
all the individuals.
Hence, the wealth or bestowing of prosperity is a divine blessing or
Prasada of the Lord. Pleasing the sense organs and the mind is not what we are
born for! They would continue to keep seeking more and have no limit.
Sri Sutacharya says जीवस्यातत्त्वजिज्ञासोर्नार्थो यश्चेह कर्मभिः. Which is doing any sort
of activity without an objective is of no use. Hence, Jignasa or deliberating
on the fundamental basis of Tattva and arriving at Axiom for the purpose of
life and the process to accomplish it is being Smart! This siddhi or perfection
is what one gets from the study of Srimad Bhagavata. This includes any
spiritual ritual. If one does not have the desire to understand the Lord is a waste.
Srimad Bhagavatam says cleansing of inner organs, mind, and conscience
would lead to an increase in devotion towards the Lord. Hence increases the desire to
hear the stories narrating the Glory of the Lord. Also increases Jnana and
Vairagya in the run-up to Moksha. This could be accomplished only when done with
an objective of Sriman Narayana Prityartham or pleasing of the Lord. We saw
Goddess Bhoo Devi doing so sang the attributes of Lord as
सत्यं शौचं दया क्षान्तिस्त्यागः सन्तोष आर्जवम् ।
शमो दमस्तपः साम्यं तितिक्षोपरतिः श्रुतम् ॥ २६॥
ज्ञानं विरक्तिरैश्वर्यं शौर्यं तेजो बलं स्मृतिः ।
स्वातन्त्र्यं कौशलं कान्ति सौभगमार्दवमेव च ॥ २७॥
प्रागल्भ्यं प्रश्रयः शीलं सह ओजो बलं भगः ।
गाम्भीर्यं स्थैर्यमास्तिक्यं कीर्तिर्मानोऽनहङ्कृतिः ॥ २८॥
तेनाहं गुणपात्रेण श्रीनिवासेन साम्प्रतम् ।
शोचामि रहितं लोकं पाप्मना कलिनेक्षितम् ॥ ३०॥
The Lord is the abode of immeasurable attributes and for the goddess of
abundance. She resides in his Lotus of heart and is famously known as
Srinivasa. That very Lord Sri Krishna has left this earth and Kali has got a foothold here.
The evil Kali preside over Kali Yuga's influence materials and Jiva. The
materials including air, water, and soil are losing their qualities. The Kali
occupying the mind space of individuals, makes us lose our faith in the Lord,
the faith in dharma or righteousness, and the faith in rituals. The decline in
piousness, intelligence, and fortune.
Hence, I am upset, says Bhoo Devi
Hare Srinivasa
Your benevolence for granting wishes
is incredibly vast and unsurpassed.
Divine Lord Venkateshwara! Destroyer
of Sins! An abode of Mahalakshmi! Srinivasa!
My salutations to you.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri
Krishnarpanamastu ||
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