Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Dialogue between Bhoo Devi and Dharmapurusha
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Hare Srinivasa |
My salutations to you.
एते चान्ये च भगवन् नित्या यत्र महागुणाः ।
प्रार्थ्या महत्त्वमिच्छद्भिर्न वियन्ति स्म कर्हिचित् ॥ २९॥
Dharmapurusha! These and many more wonderful attributes manifest in our Lord like the river water flowing downhill. These are intrinsic to him and flows naturally. Those who wish to develop their personality, accomplish the objectives of Life, should practice syncing with these attributes of the Lord and relentlessly worship him and reach closer to him.
तेनाहं गुणपात्रेण श्रीनिवासेन साम्प्रतम् ।
शोचामि रहितं लोकं पाप्मना कलिनेक्षितम् ॥ ३०॥
The Lord is the abode of immeasurable attributes and for the goddess of
abundance. She resides in his Lotus of heart and hence he is famously known as
Srinivasa. That very Lord Sri Krishna has left this earth and Kali has got a
foothold here.
The evil Kali preside over Kali Yuga. His influence makes the materials lose their intrinsic value and the Jiva to do sins. The materials including air, water, and soil are losing their qualities. He would influence the seasons with untimely rains, storms, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. The Kali occupying the mind space of individuals, makes us lose our faith in the Lord, the faith in dharma or righteousness, and the faith in rituals. The decline in piousness, intelligence, and fortune.
आत्मानं चानुशोचामि भवन्तं चामरोत्तमम् ।
देवानृषीन् पितॄन् साधून् सर्वान् वर्णांस्तथाश्रमान् ॥ ३१॥
The disappearance of the Lord from this earth and his separation have
upset me, regretted Bhoo Devi. Not just that! Continued Bhoo Devi. I'm feeling
sad for you, Dharmapurusha! Your presence in the consciousness of the people of
Kali Yuga is continuously on a rapid decline. Hence, your influence on people
to take a righteous path has become limited. So too, I'm saddened for the other
Gods influencing other faculties of the living being. Also, for Pitrus or the
well-wishing forefathers & the Gods influencing them; Sadhus & Rishis,
the seekers of Lord following intense spirituality; common man following their
varnashramas like a Kshatriya carrying out administration or safeguarding the
border, or a Vaishya doing business, or a Brahamana studying spirituality, or a
Shudra providing service; in their various stages of life including as Kishore
or as a boy, or as Youth loose brahmacharya or celibacy; at middle age or those
who have entered Vanaprashta or old age; I'm saddened for all as everyone is
moving away from the Lord, there is a continuous decline in the moral values,
continuous rise of ignorance of the Lord and the metaphysical premise set forth
by him.
Robbers are going to be the Kings. Lying, Taking bribes, breaking the rule, traveling without tickets in public transport would be acclaimed and cheered. The seasons are going to miss their cycles, untimely rains and famine would be the order of Kali Yuga or else large natural disasters with several deaths on this my very earth would happen grieved, Bhoo Devi. She regretted that hardly any virtuous people would be on the earth and they would not get respect.
ब्रह्मादयो बहुतिथं यदपाङ्गमोक्षकामास्तपः समचरन् भगवत्प्रपन्नाः ।
सा श्रीः स्ववासमरविन्दवनं विहाय यत्पादसौभगमलं भजतेऽनुरक्ता ॥ ३२॥
तस्याहमब्जकुलिशाङ्कुशकेतुकेतैःश्रीमत्पदैर्भगवतः समलङ्कृताङ्गी ।
त्रीनत्यरोच उपलभ्य ततो विभूतिं लोकान् स मां व्यसृजदुत्स्मयतीं तदन्ते ॥ ३३॥
The best of being God Brahma does an intense austerity by surrendering to Lord Vishnu and meditating on him for a long time so that he be noticed with a casual glance by Goddess Lakshmi residing in his Lotus of heart. Even that very Goddess Lakshmi having an exclusive abode in the Lotus of the heart of Lord and being worshipped by even the best of being filled with devotion would serve the Shreepada of Lord. Such divine auspicious lotus feet would leave the marks of Vajrayudha, Gode, Lotus, Flag, on my body beautifying me, increasing my grace and elegancy as the Lord walked on me. Now, that very Lord has disappeared from this earth.
यो वै ममातिभरमासुरवंशराज्ञामक्षौहिणीशतमपानुददात्मतन्त्रः ।
त्वां दुःस्थमूनपदमात्मनि पौरुषेण सम्पादयन् यदुषु रम्यमबिभ्रदङ्गम् ॥ ३४॥
Dharmapurusha! The compassionate Lord had destroyed the evil in thousands who had taken birth as Kings and the Kings’ men. He had ensured that all your four legs including Dharma to follow righteousness; Austerity for Spiritual practice; Cleanliness to be compassionate; and Truthfulness is hale and healthy. For all these, the independent Lord looking beautiful in a blue color as in dark monsoon clouds had appeared in the Yadhu clan. His form was Sat-Chit-Ananda complete with divine knowledge and bliss.
का वा सहेत विरहं पुरुषोत्तमस्य प्रेमावलोकरुचिरस्मितवल्गुजल्पैः ।
स्थैर्यं समानमहरन्मधुमानिनीनां रोमोत्सवो मम यदङ्घ्रिविटङ्कितायाः ॥ ३५॥
Who could endure the disappearance of such compassionate, supreme Lord
having his form as knowledge, bliss, and appearing in blue color as in dark
clouds? Wondered Bhoo Devi. When the Lord walked on me, I would be overwhelmed
with Joy causing goosebumps all over my body. The divine symbols on his feet
would emboss on me bringing auspiciousness to me. His disappearance is causing
me sadness.
Even over 16000 wives of Lord Sri Krishna at Dwarka would fill their
eyes with love transforming their face to fill with romance having a ting of a
smile, and a voice filled with sweetness to please him. Appearing to each one
separately in their individual houses, the charming Lord responded equally in
romance. To break this sense of equality with him in the romance in his proud
wives, Lord Sri Krishna has disappeared, said Bhoo Devi.
तयोरेवं कथयतोः पृथिवीधर्मयोस्तदा ।
परीक्षिन्नाम राजर्षिः प्राप्तः प्राचीं सरस्वतीम् ॥ ३६॥
When this conversation was happening between Bhoo Devi and Dharma Purusha on the eastern banks of Saraswati River, the raja rishi Parikshid raja ruling his kingdom as a sacrifice at the altar of the Lord’s feet appeared.
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां प्रथमस्कन्धे
पृथ्वीधर्मसंवादो नाम षोडशोऽध्यायः ॥ १६॥
With this, we complete a part named "The
Dialogue between Bhoo Devi and Dharmapurusha” of sixteenth Adhyaya, of Srimad
Bhagavatam Skanda 1
We could do so only with the grace of Gurus
including Sri Raghavendra and his philosophical associates including Sri
Saunaka & his fellow Rishis, Sri Sutacahrya, Sri Sukachary, God Vayu, and
Sri Hari as their Jnana Prasada. Let's pray for their continued blessings.
An excerpt from Sri Venkatesha Stavaraja Composed by Jagannatha dasaru in Kannada
SrIramana sarvesa sarvaga sarabokta svatantra
sarvada aparamahimodhdara sadguna purna gambira
saridavaraghaduragaisi surijanarige saukya nIduva | dhIravenkataramana karunadi poreyo ni enna ||
An abode for abundance having lordship of entire universe accepts the essence though being independent. Present everywhere with immense fame, full of attributes, profound, & composed destroy the sins of the virtuous who sing your praises this way and bestow of all sort of comforts to them. The courageous Lord Venkateshwara! Please protect showing compassion.
Srinivasane Baktaposhane jnanakulagaligabayadayaka
dhInabandava nIne enna manadartha puraiso
anupa mopama jnana sampada vinaya purvaka vittu
janumajanumake mareya bedavo Seshagirivasa
Srinivasa! You protect your devotees, assure
fearlessness to them studying about you, and wish well to even a poor. Only you
know what should be my wish and only you fulfill it.
Bestow me with that exclusive wealth of knowledge of you in all your humility and make me not forgetful of you in life & afterlives. Never abandon me in any of my life, oh! The Resident of Tirumala, the seven hills of 1000 hooded Sesha.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri
Krishnarpanamastu ||
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