Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Mangalacharna continued
|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha ||
Hari Om
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear and clean knowledge.
Always being satisfied, having no expectations with full of attributes, stainless, creates, sustains, destroys, regulates all non-living including liberates all living just by expression of his attributes is the only Lord having the Lordship. My salutations to HIM. My Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi who always wonders about the attributes of Lord to whom she is dearest. By assigning the most important and difficult task of locating Goddess Sita or getting the Sanjeevani, has been dear to Lord. My Salutations to Prasanna Hanuman in whose abode resides Goddess of Bhakti. Appearing always as sweet sixteen and bitten the sweetest fruit of all seasons and in whose orchestration only the best of Bhagavatas like Indra, Bali, SanatKumara, Uddhava, Narada, Prahlada, Dhruva, do sankeertana, my salutations to Sri Sukacharya the dear son of Lord and all the Bhagavatas. By repetition of whose name the quintessence of Vedas would be understood easily, my prostration to such Guru Sri Raghavendra
Mangalacharna continued
जन्माद्यस्य यतोऽन्वयादितरतश्चार्थेष्वभिज्ञः स्वराट्
तेने ब्रह्महृदा य आदिकवये मुह्यन्ति यत्सूरयः । तेजोवारिमृदां यथा विनिमयो यत्र त्रिसर्गोऽमृषा
धाम्ना स्वेन सदा निरस्तकुहकं सत्यं परं धीमहि ॥ १॥
We understood that Lord Veda Vyasa wants us as his devotees to meditate on his attributes. However, a question arises that why Lord has said that we will meditate. Though he has the attribute of Satya Sankalpa or would happen as he thinks. There would be no obstruction or any impediment to Lord Veda Vyasa. In fact, the Mangalacharana or the above Prayer of Meditation on attributes of Lord has been offered for the following:
- Out of his generosity to his devotees
- Has set an example of a process to start any auspicious activity
- So that his devotees complete the task successfully
- To remove obstacles of devotees who are exposed to the influence of Kali and faces impediments
- The practice of Vedas and Vedanta and the knowledge in it is very difficult. It requires severe austerity and dedicated time from early morning hours to late in the evening, all days of the year and throughout life. Also, this was supported by the Kingdoms for their prosperity in earlier days. However for all women, for all Varna and those who do not practice study of Vedas and common man, particularly for people of Kali Yuga, Lord Veda Vyasa composed Srimad Bhagavatam that has the same Knowledge as in Vedas and Vedanta. Hence, for the benefit and fruit of moksha to all such people.
One may wonder, why & how Lord Veda Vyasa would meditate or is he just saying so that his devotees could meditate. In fact, the Lord is Satya and Svaramana. As Lord Veda Vyasa, he would be always meditating, he would be meditating on his Roopa or the feature of Sriman Narayana. He will ensure all that has been told in Srimad Bhagavatam and for sure bless all his devotees who pray & practice.
For devotees, mangalacharna has to be offered to Lord Veda Vyasa who has propounded Srimad Bhagavatam. To his Narasimha Roopa for the destruction of obstacles. To the Goddess Lakshmi, God Brahma, God Vayu through whom he influences. To Sri Sukacharya, the form of God Shiva who narrated first to Parikshit Raja. Also to all the Rishis and Gurus through whose blessings Srimad Bhagavatam has reached the individual.
The meaning of mangalacharna sloka is told both as brief and also as elaborated because the fruit is very sweet! Hence, we need to repeatedly relook from the various standpoints and keep investigating. Let’s try to look in a little elaborate form:
Param Dhimahi, The Param here is referred to Lord Sriman Narayana, as he is bhakta vatsala or all devotees are dear to him. Hence, for devotees, he becomes dear. He is sarvaesta devata or favorite of all and he is the main subject of Srimad Bhagavatam. He is the protector and sustains all that he has created. Also, he is the objective of achievement for all Jiva as he liberates from the confinement of this cycle of death and birth by providing moksha. The Sruti and Smriti which are eternal are also telling the same.
By saying Dhimahi as in Vedic language, Lord has indicated that the content of Srimad Bhagavatam is an explanation of Gayatri mantra or contains all that is in Vedas. Hence, our meditation to such Lord Narayana who is Param or Supreme.
The other part of the Mangalacharna or the verse of prayer is only singing the Glory of Sriman Narayana.
Janmadi includes Creation, Sustenance, Destruction, Regulation, providing - Knowledge, Ignorance, Bandha or Confinement and Moksha or Liberation.
Asya or including, starting from Goddess Lakshmi, God Brahma to the smallest life say a blade of Grass or living Cell including from Kali the Lord of evil to the smallest life of evil i.e. all chetana or having conscious life and from largest substance like Sky to a smallest molecule or an atom which are not having life.
Yatha, from whom the Creation and so on happens.
Anvayat, being in accordance with Sruthi and Smiriti. Lord is telling that Sriman Narayana is only the Creator, Supreme and only has Lordship as being told in Vedas too.
Itarthascha, from any direction one views, the human has been able to utilize the material or substance available and process it. Also, he is not been able to convert material or substance to life. It is the Lord who has created the whole Universe and also given life.
Artheshu abignaha, He has the knowledge and the skills required. Like a good Carpenter or a Smith having all the necessary knowledge and skills to convert to good furniture or ornaments, so too the Lord has all the knowledge and skills for Creation, Sustenance and so on. He is sarvagna or all knowing.
Swarat, Though Goddess Lakshmi, Brahma, Vayu, Rudra are all jnani or knowledgeable but are dependent. Even when nothing existed, he existed. Only the Lord is Independent and swaprakashika or self-glowing and rest are dependent on him. As Swarat, he is the Lord for himself.
Tene Brahma hrudyaya adi kavaye, Lord Purushottama from whose navel sprang Akshara or indestructible Goddess Lakshmi in the form of Lotus and gave birth to first kshara or destructible life, God Brahma. He was initiated into Vedas and with blessings of knowledge required for creation. Hence, God Brahma is adikavi or the first to sing Vedas among kshara Jivis or destructible beings. So it is the Lord who is Sarvagna or all-knowing and only out of his blessings one would get knowledge including God Brahma.
Muhyanti yat Surayaha, The Lord is apramaya or immeasurable. God Brahma creates all subsequent beings including God Garuda, Sesha, Rudra, Indra and to the smallest life and non-beings including the fourteen lokas or world and his Lordship. However, even to past God Brahma, present and future, it is the Lord who initiates and blesses the knowledge and his Lordship. Hence the Lord is all knowing, independent and immeasurable.
If the Lord does the Creation, Sustenance or protection and so on, with a certain expectation, then it proves to be that he is incomplete without doing so. However, he is Poorna or Complete by himself and hence these activities of Creation is Mrusha or of no use. If he does without objective, then it proves to be foolish. Is he really foolish?
Tejovarimrudam yata vinimayo, from the processing of Fire, Water, and Soil, an earthen Pot is made by a potter. In the same way, three types of creations are taken up by the Lord. That is Ishwara Srishti or appearance of Lord & Goddess, Jiva Srishti or providing a body to life and Jada Sristi, the creation of all substance not having the life. Ishwara Srishti involves the appearance of Lord & Goddess and creation of several forms of himself. As he himself is a luminous or bright & shining, he becomes several of the luminous body. He does so, by lighting several flames from one flame. Like the Potter makes earthen Pots, so too the Lord creates mahat-tattva, ahamkara tattva and all non-living Substance including Fire, Water, and Soil made of three Gunas and being in several forms of himself enters these non-living substance and is called Jada Sristi. Also, he remains outside of this in various forms. The Sun as an image reflects in water and appears as if several reflected image. So too, several forms of Pratibimba or reflected images appear in both invisible and visible Jiva as a medium of reflection and Lord being Bimba or image like the Sun. This reflection of Lord on Jiva is called Jiva Srishti.
There was nothing except Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi. Goddess desired to see several Roopa or forms of Lord to meditate and see his Vaibava or majesty. Lord having the attribute of bhaktadeena or accepting the wish, created all that is required to form the Brahmanda or the entire universe. The beings or Jivas starting from God Brahma to life in a blade of grass, were in the form of seed just sprouted having its own characteristic including to express itself to its fullest. There are three types of jivas. One being uttama or best who would accomplish Bliss in Vaikunta. The second types are madyama or mediocre and would swing between happiness and sorrow. The third type is adhama or worst who would accomplish Hell! However, the Lord being impartial allows each one to do sadhana and accomplish their goals. Hence, the Lord gives freedom to do sadhana to accomplishment as per their desire. He is neither biased nor Hard or Cruel. To do so, the Lord expressing his attribute of extreme generosity and like a good gardener sowed, watered, created all environment as required for the seed to grow to its fullest. While it is of no use from the standpoint of the Lord, the entire process of creation, Sustenance and so on is the characteristic of Lord and is his nature and is useful to Goddess Lakshmi, God Brahma till the smallest life, say a blade of grass.
Also, it is not that the Lord without doing the above three creations would not be able to satisfy the Jivas or those who relay or take refuge in him. Which questions his Knowledge & Independence! Lord Veda Vyasa has answered that by doing various creations he has no use. Nor it is foolish to always have expectation behind every activity. The Lord accepting Goddess request creates several forms of himself to show his Majesty. He is full of generosity and does the creation for the benefit of his devotees. Also, it is in his nature to carry out Creation, Sustenance, Protection and so on.
Damna svena sada nirasta kuhakam, He is not a juggler, nor a cheat to create an illusionary universe. There are several theories on existence including the theory of illusion or by accident. However, we experience the entire existence with several predictive happenings comprehendible to individual ability and cannot be treated as an illusion or happening by an accident. Also, there are several un-predicative happenings beyond human comprehension. It is impossible, even for a highly learned scientist or scholar to comprehend the existence. Hence, The Lord, is only Supreme & Independent and rest are all dependent on Him.
Satyam, The Lord has the attribute of Satyam as his creation, sustenance and so on is real. Also, Satyam because he is Supreme, full of Bliss and Knowledge.
Hence, evaluating from the script of the verse, Vedas and Logical arguments, it is conclusive that Lord Sriman Narayana is the Creator. He is all knowing & full of knowledge. He is Eternal. He is the Guru to even the Guru of the Universe, God Brahma. Without his blessings, even the so-called learned will not get knowledge. Without any expectations and only for the benefit of others he has created the entire Universe. He is not a Juggler nor deceit, sorrowless, having unsurpassed - bliss, knowledge, full of attributes and complete. We shall worship such Sriman Narayana by hearing, thoughts, profound and repeated meditation.
Hari Om
Sri Krishnarpanamastu
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