Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Spiritual Gathering of Naimisharanya
|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha ||
Hari Om
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear and clean knowledge. Always being satisfied, having no expectations with full of attributes, stainless, creates, sustains, destroys, regulates all non-living including liberates all living just by expression of his attributes is the only Lord having the Lordship. My salutations to HIM. My Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi who always wonders about the attributes of Lord to whom she is dearest. By assigning the most important and difficult task of locating Goddess Sita or getting the Sanjeevani, has been dear to Lord. My Salutations to Prasanna Hanuman in whose abode resides Goddess of Bhakti. Appearing always as sweet sixteen and bitten the sweetest fruit of all seasons and in whose orchestration only the best of Bhagavatas like Indra, Bali, SanatKumara, Uddhava, Narada, Prahlada, Dhruva, do sankeertana, my salutations to Sri Sukacharya the dear son of Lord and all the Bhagavatas. By repetition of whose name the quintessence of Vedas would be understood easily, my prostration to such Guru Sri Raghavendra.
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Chakratheerta |
Long-time back, before the start of Kali Yuga, a Satra or a spiritual gathering was organized under the leadership of Sri Saunaka Rishi in Naimisaranya. As suggested by God Brahma thousands of Rishis were living there. In fact, once all Rishis went to God Brahma and sought the best place on earth to do Penance. God Brahma made a ring or a rim of the wheel in his mind and released towards the earth and told the rishis that the place where this wheel would fall, that would be the best holy place for doing Penance. Rishis through their divine sight followed the wheel. The wheel fell in Naimashyaranya and is called chakratheerta.
All Rishis took the initiation for the performance of Yagna or sacrifice of both substance and that of Jnana. They were extremely wise and were very kind-hearted. Bhagavata dharma was very close to their heart and were concerned on the dawn of dark Kali Yuga. While Sri Saunaka Rishi was the organizer, Sri Sutacharya was Puranika or the narrator. This was the time when Kauravas and Pandavas were heading towards war in Kurukshetra.
Balarama the elder brother of Lord Krishna, did not participate in the war. He happens to reach Naimisaranya and sees the gathering. Being surprised to see Suta as Puranika narrating stories of long Penance to Rishis, Balarama enacting the divine play kills Suta Puranika for not following Varna dharma. However, Sri Shaunaka Rishi sings the greatness of Sri Sutacharya, appreciates his scholarship and his birth as the son of Lord Veda Vyasa and requests God Balarama to revive and give re-birth. He says that Lord Veda Vyasa himself had initiated Sri Sutacharya into spiritual practice and killing him is equivalent to a Brahmahatya dosha or sin of killing a Brahmin. God Balarama accepts the same, gives re-birth to Sutacharya and carries out the remedy. The Varna Dharma is very important and has to be followed by all Sajjanas or Virtioushas to the best of their ability. Also, God Balarama being non-other than God Ananta Sesha is very dear to Lord is in very high order and same as that of God Garuda and God Rudra. Here, God Sesha himself has come out clearly clarifying that Varna Dharma has its limits and cannot surpass the devotion and closeness to the Lord.
नैमिषेनिमिषक्षेत्रे ऋषयः शौनकादयः ।
सत्रं स्वर्गाय लोकाय सहस्रसममासत ||
One may wonder, while the Lord Veda Vyasa himself has just said in the second verse of Manglacharna that by studying Srimad Bhagavatam, the Lord would reveal in the Lotus of Heart immediately. However, Sri Shaunaka and his fellow rishis took the path of over a thousand years. Also, Lord Veda Vyasa in his various Puranas has indicated that the death in Prayaga or Kashi or dip in holy rivers like Ganga or Gomati would get Moksha. Lord Veda Vyasa catering to the wide spectrum of people has included the interpretative message. Also, the subject is very secretive and exclusive in nature. Available to very few. Hence, he has used coded language to disperse knowledge or illusion or blend of this.
Let’s start decoding this to arrive at the axiom. While it is true that taking a dip in holy rivers, leaving the body in holy places or study of Srimad Bhagavatam would give moksha. But also we will encounter stories in this Srimad Bhagavatam, the story of Jada Bharata, a great Vairagi who had to endure births for Moksha. The story of Druva and Prahalad accomplishing spiritual height of Moksha as a small child. While Dhruva encounters his Guru Narada Rishi at the age of five and receives initiation or upadesha, Prahlada encounters his Guru Narada Rishi being in the womb of his mother Kayadhu and receives initiation. However, Parikshit Raja encounters his Guru, Sri Sukacharya on the last seventh day of his life before he joins the Lotus feet of Lord. Hence, a mind towards the Lord, Sadana or Spiritual Practice, an encounter of Guru, continued Sadana, Aproksha Jnana and subsequent Moksha are exclusive and highly restricted. In fact, it spans over several births. Leaving the body in Holy places of Prayaga or Kashi or taking a holy dip in rivers like Ganga or Gomati and study of Srimad Bhagavatam is the Prasada or the mercy of Lord. In Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmyam, SBM 03 - The Pain of Bhakti and the Vow of Narada Rishi, we hear from Narada Rishi that it is worthless to do vratas or ceremony with a vow, or go on pilgrimages, or Yoga, or homa, the Fire ceremony or rigorous reading of scripture. However, doing the same vrata, or pilgrimage or Yoga, or homa or reading scripture with Bhakti will liberate from the cycle of death & birth. Hence, the only worthwhile is seeking the Mercy of Lord or his Prasada and is in plenty at his Lotus Feet. The kindest and most generous Lord is eagerly looking forward to pouring his mercy like he did to Kuchela, with a torn dress. Made him Sudhama, having in abundance for just three fists of beaten rice. But the rice filed with Love or brimming with devotion. It is worthy of noting that Sri Shaunaka and his fellow rishis are of very high order. They are very dear to the Lord. They carried out the Spiritual gathering for over thousand years to ensure that the seventeen Puranas, Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahabharata, Ramayana, and its essence is percolated to every nook and corner of this Spiritual Land of Jambudweepa . Even in the smallest of a small village, one would have some idea of these scriptures. Hence, they are ensuring its relevance to this date as we write and read. In fact, we are indebted to them and are duty bound to pay our respects.
त एकदा तु मुनयः प्रातर्हुतहुताशनाः।
सत्कृतं सूतमासीनं पप्रच्छुरिदमादृताः॥
सत्कृतं सूतमासीनं पप्रच्छुरिदमादृताः॥
One day having completed all the daily Yagna of fire with substance early in the morning, all the Rishis arrived for Jnana Yagna. They welcomed Sri Sutachary, offered him arghya and padya paid respects, honor & gratitude. Sri Saunaka Rishi, who on behalf of all rishis praised him for having arrived as bright Sun and says this:
Oh! stainless Sutacharya, you are well versed in all eighteen Puranas; Ithihasa or History including Mahabharata & Ramayana; Pancharatra. You have done an in-depth study of a Dharma Shastras. Also, you keep narrating these to the learned and wise.
यानि वेदविदां श्रेष्ठो भगवान् बादरायणः ।
अन्ये च मुनयः सूत परावरविदो विदुः ॥
पुंसामेकान्ततः श्रेयस्तन्नः शंसितुमर्हसि ॥
मन्दाः सुमन्दमतयो मन्दभाग्या ह्युपद्रुताः ॥
देवक्यां वसुदेवस्य जातो यस्य चिकीर्षया ॥
तन्नः शुश्रूषमाणानामर्हस्यङ्गानुवर्णितुम् ।
यस्यावतारो भूतानां क्षेमाय च भवाय च ॥
ततः सद्यो विमुच्येत यद्बिभेति स्वयं भयम् ॥
को वा भगवतस्तस्य पुण्यश्लोकेड्यकर्मणः ।
शुद्धिकामो न शृणुयाद्यशः कलिमलापहम् ॥
लीला विदधतः स्वैरमीश्वरस्यात्ममायया ॥
वयं तु न वितृप्याम उत्तमश्लोकविक्रमे ।
यच्छृण्वतां रसज्ञानां स्वादु स्वादु पदे पदे ॥
कृतवान् किल वीर्याणि सह रामेण केशवः ।
अतिमर्त्यानि भगवान् गूढः कपटमानुषः ॥
आसीना दीर्घसत्रेण कथायां सक्षणा हरेः ॥
You are well aware of the one who is propounded and explained only by Vedas, The Lord, The Para Tattva and the qualities or the nature of prakrti-purusha or Nature and Lord. Your understanding is consistent with that of all great Rishis and Saints. With the blessings of Lord Veda Vyasa, you have understood the essence and secrets or decoded meaning in these scriptures. Like a very good teacher teaching to an affectionate student to ensure that he does not forget, so too Lord Veda Vyasa himself has taught you.
तत्र तत्राञ्जसाऽऽयुष्मन् भवता यद्विनिश्चितम् ।पुंसामेकान्ततः श्रेयस्तन्नः शंसितुमर्हसि ॥
So, kindly tell us, of all Shastra or indoctrinations of beliefs, which is the one that gives a special benefit to the human in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga? And which is easily accomplishable?
प्रायेणाल्पायुषः सभ्य कलावस्मिन् युगे जनाः ।मन्दाः सुमन्दमतयो मन्दभाग्या ह्युपद्रुताः ॥
With a forethought of our lives in Kali Yuga and being deeply concerned on us, Sri Saunaka Rishi says, the people of Kali Yuga would be short-lived and take birth to die early. They would be very slow, slow-moving, dull, indecisive, non-meritorious and very unlucky. They would suffer from various untoward happenings. Not just that, there are a lot of Shastra to be studied and Dharma to adhere. This would be endless for those people and would get bogged down. Sri Sutacharya, as you have critically evaluated and compiled the essence of all Shastra, please tell us the most important and easiest one. The one that could be implemented by those people of Kali Yuga easily.
सूत जानासि भद्रं ते भगवान् सात्वतां पतिः ।देवक्यां वसुदेवस्य जातो यस्य चिकीर्षया ॥
तन्नः शुश्रूषमाणानामर्हस्यङ्गानुवर्णितुम् ।
यस्यावतारो भूतानां क्षेमाय च भवाय च ॥
Benevolent Sri Sutacharya, The most auspicious one who protects us all the time and for whom we are very dear, please tell us about him, Lord Sri Krishna. And why is that he took birth in Vasudeva and Devaki? What was his purpose? Please tell that to us.
The foremost feature of Lord Sri Krishna and the stories of his various appearance on this earth is extremely beneficial to the people and would blossom the Lotus of heart which is made of devotion. Please tell us his stories.
आपन्नः संसृतिं घोरां यन्नाम विवशो गृणन् ।ततः सद्यो विमुच्येत यद्बिभेति स्वयं भयम् ॥
को वा भगवतस्तस्य पुण्यश्लोकेड्यकर्मणः ।
शुद्धिकामो न शृणुयाद्यशः कलिमलापहम् ॥
In this very scary cycle of death and birth, uttering Lord Sriman Narayana’s name would retrieve even from the most horrific situation. Even the horror is horrified by his name. Please tell us his story. Even the saints from whose blessings, the ordinary would get purified, take refuge of the Lotus feet of Lord, tell us the stories of him. The Lord who has the highest fame, worthy of being praised, carries out his divine play. The glory of his divine fame would purify the Soul, who would not be desirous to hear? We have the highest faith in him, please tell us his extraordinary fame. Hearing which the pollutants of Kali disappear.
अथाख्याहि हरेर्धीमन्नवतारकथाः शुभाः ।लीला विदधतः स्वैरमीश्वरस्यात्ममायया ॥
वयं तु न वितृप्याम उत्तमश्लोकविक्रमे ।
यच्छृण्वतां रसज्ञानां स्वादु स्वादु पदे पदे ॥
कृतवान् किल वीर्याणि सह रामेण केशवः ।
अतिमर्त्यानि भगवान् गूढः कपटमानुषः ॥
Lord assumes various Roopa like Matsya, Kurma, Varaha including that of Mohini that caused illusion to all Daitya or evil, please tell us those stories. Hearing those stories, those of who is known as divine verse and having immeasurable valor is fantastic and overwhelming. The powerfully and mysteriously fascinating feelings towards Lord is always afresh and anew on every step. How couldn't a devotee surrender himself to that divine ecstasy?
Lord Sri Krishna has taken birth on this earth to Devaki and Vasudeva. Along with Balarama, he appeared as another human to most people on the earth and carried out deeds surpassing that of a human. Please tell his story, Sri Sutacharya.
कलिमागतमाज्ञाय क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन् वैष्णवे वयम् ।आसीना दीर्घसत्रेण कथायां सक्षणा हरेः ॥
Noticing the dawn of Kali Yuga, we have taken up a vow to conduct this spiritual gathering in this Holy Vaishnava Kshetra for a very long period. Till we accomplish moksha. We are very eager and have a long period of time to hear the stories of the Lord. We assume that your coincidence of arrival is as if you have been sent by Lord. Sri Sutacharya, please detail and tell us elaborately.
ब्रूहि योगेश्वरे कृष्णे ब्रह्मण्ये धर्मवर्मणि ।
स्वां काष्ठामधुनोपेते धर्मः कं शरणं गतः ॥
स्वां काष्ठामधुनोपेते धर्मः कं शरणं गतः ॥
Also, the Lord of Yoga, Sri Krishna protected Dharma and Brahmana. After his disappearance from this earth, in whom is Dharma taking refuge?
With this Sri Saunaka Rishi concludes seeking the above six questions like Shat Prashnopanishad. To summarize, the six questions are as below:
- What is the essence of all Shastras or Indoctrination?
- Which is the fastest and easiest way to please the indweller?
- Please narrate the Stories of Sri Krishna!
- What are the stories describing the extraordinary fame of Lord?
- Please narrate the stories on various forms of Lord including that of Sri Krishna!
- After the disappearance of Lord Sri Krishna, in whom did Dharma takes refuge.?
With this, we complete a part of "The substory of Naimishya" First Adhyaya, of Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1.
We could do so only with the grace of Gurus including Sri Raghavendra and his philosophical associates including Sri Saunaka & his fellow Rishis, Sri Sutacahrya, Sri Sukachary, God Vayu, and Sri Hari as their Jnana Prasada. Let's pray for their continued blessings.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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