Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1- The Axiom of Yoga
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean knowledge.
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
Always being satisfied, having no expectations with full of attributes, stainless, creates, sustains, destroys, regulates all non-living including liberates all living just by expression of his attributes is the only Lord having the Lordship. My salutations to HIM. My Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi who always wonders about the attributes of Lord to whom she is dearest. By assigning the most important and difficult task of locating Goddess Sita or getting the Sanjeevani, has been dear to Lord. My Salutations to Prasanna Hanuman in whose abode resides Goddess of Bhakti. Appearing always as sweet sixteen and bitten the sweetest fruit of all seasons and in whose orchestration only the best of Bhagavatas like Indra, Bali, SanatKumara, Uddhava, Narada, Prahlada, Dhruva, do sankeertana, my salutations to Sri Sukacharya the dear son of Lord and all the Bhagavatas. By repetition of whose name the quintessence of Vedas would be understood easily, my prostration to such Guru Sri Raghavendra.
Sutacharya continuing the answer to Sri Saunaka and his fellow Rishis for their
following two questions says,
What is the essence of all Shastras or
Which is the fastest and easiest way to
please indweller?
Sri Sutacharya says,
वासुदेवे भगवति भक्तियोगः प्रयोजितः ।
जनयत्याशु वैराग्यं ज्ञानं च यदहैतुकम् ॥
Doing Bhakti Yoga in Lord Vasudeva will fill the Lotus
of Heart with nectar called Bhakti. Also, yields Vairagya or abstinence from
any indulgence, crystal clear and clean Knowledge. Lord is everywhere and
having everyone within him as Vasu.
Creation, Sustenance, Destruction, Regulation, and so on is a Sport to
him. Hence, is called as Deva.
एवं प्रसन्नमनसो भगवद्भक्तियोगतः ।
भगवत्तत्त्वविज्ञानं मुक्तसङ्गस्य जायते ॥
These way doing Bhakti Yoga, the mind will become
lucid having no other companion except the Lord and experiences the knowledge
of Sri Bhagavata Tattva or Philosophy naturally.
Sri Sutacharya is calling us, the people of Kali Yuga
to do Bhakti Yoga. The Bhakti Yoga which is the essence of all Shastras or
Indoctrination and being the fastest and easiest way to please the indweller.
What is this Yoga!
The Meaning of Yoga & Yoga Day
The word Yoga has various
meaning like getting together is Yoga. Like two or more horses or Bulls are
tied by a harness to plough or cart and to control is also Yoga. Joining of two
or more rivers or rail junction is also called Yoga. Even synchronization is
called Yoga. The Synchronization of Steps for a march-past or movement of a
body for dance could be called Yoga.
However, the
International Day of Yoga celebrated on 21st of June every year calls as
Physical, Mental and Spiritual Practices originated from India.
The Physical and Philosophical Practices
is Karma Yoga
In, The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
says "Yoga is the suppression of the activities of the
mind" (1.2).
As per Vaisesika Sutra "Pleasure and suffering
arise as a result of the drawing together of the sense organs, the mind, and
objects. When that does not happen because the mind is in the self, there is no
pleasure or suffering for one who is embodied. That is yoga" (5.2.15-16).
In both cases,
Ekagrata or Sharpening of Focus is called for. Sri Patanjali Yoga Sutra has
Ashtanga which includes kriya or activity of Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,
Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. There are specific procedures like Hatha-yoga
or Mantra-yoga, or Laya-yoga and are related to Physical and Philosophical
practices of Yoga. Hence, one could also apply these to Spiritual
Practises, says Sri Patanjali.
We have seen that our
Sensory organs have likes and dislikes. This has an influence on our Mental
equilibrium. In our lives, we come across opposites. Happiness and Sorrow, Win
and Loose, Profit and Loss, Good and Bad, Pass and Fail, Day and Night are some
opposites. Seeing these opposites in a balanced way is also called yoga. In life
the oppositions are normal. Could we say we want only Day and not Night! If one
wants the only comfort without knowing what is discomfort, that becomes normal. Is
it possible! Only when one experiences discomfort, he will enjoy the comfort.
Going into depression or being high by hook or crook is not good. Hence, one
should be of balanced mind accepting both. Including, Death and Birth. That is
a Yoga. The yoga prescribed in Bhagavad Gita by Lord Sri Krishna and calling
for Sthita Pragnya, Like a silent observer.
All difficulties of Life
are for the reason of I and mine! If one removes this, prejudice starts falling
and balance will come automatically. The
thought that what should have not happened did happen is an Illusion. In fact,
whatever should happens is happening.
However, all
these Yogas are Physical and Philosophical in nature and calling for
Equilibrium in Mind or balancing Mind, Body, and Soul through Karma or Action as
Karma Yoga.
Regarding Yama and Niyama
involving non-Violence, Truthfulness, Cleanliness, non-possession, etc. is the
minimum requirement of Dharma as a societal and individual discipline. We noted
this in Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Subject, Eligibility, and Fruit,
elaborating on धर्मः प्रोज्झितकैतवोऽत्र Sloka, that Dharma
is the manner one needs to live as defined in Shastra. These are intense and
most of the practices have disappeared from the Society. Asana is about sitting
cross-legged on a floor with a straight back. Hence, Pranayama is the point
from where practice to Yoga Starts.
The Challenges
of Karma Yoga
In The Pursuit to hone Bhakti, Sri Sutacharya says, यदनुध्यायिनो युक्ताः कर्मग्रन्थिनिबन्धनम्। That is
the thread of actions of life including Karma Yoga are getting bunched up and
tangled resulting in tight knots. These knots get tangled over several births
with further knots. Also, we noted that all karma or actions are attached
to Sins. And took a look at the example of having staple food like rice or
wheat and the Sin associated with it.
In Lord's Grace on Gokarna and completion of Sapthaha by Sanatkumara, we noted the
avarana or concealment of Jivatma or Soul including Jeevachadika,
Paramachadika, Kama, Karma, linga deha, Prakriti and Bhagavat Icha.
In the last blog, The Influence of Arishadvarga and Gunas for Bhakti, We noted that each of
the sensory organs has likes and dislikes which are made of Prakriti and having an influence of gunas. Hence, are associated with Kama or Desire, Krodha or Anger,
Lobha or Greed, Moha or Attachment, Mada or Pride and Matsarya or Jealousy or
Arishadvargas. These likes and dislikes are impediments to one’s progress and
hence should not get subjugated to these organs.
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The body and mind created of Prakriti have constituents
of gunas viz. Satvika, Rajasika and Thamisika and are influenced by
Arishadvargas. These are continuously changing with disease and decay. Though
the Soul is Eternal, has avarnas covering the real nature of Soul controlled by
the Supreme Soul or Lord Paramatma. The Lord has extended an immeasurable amount
of Generosity and Kindness to Jiva or Being. Commensurating or matching-up the same with Karma
or Kriya by non-destructible Goddess Lakshmi or the best of being, God Brahma is anything but after impossible
and let alone a being or Jiva.
Yoga or Synchronization of changing body or mind with eternal but dependent Atma or
the always constant and independent Lord Paramatma is not the Axiom.
The Karma or Actions narrated by Sri Sutacharya in
Bhakti Yoga
- One should do Bhakti in Lord Adhokshaja.
- One has to follow Bhakti dharma as defined in Shastra or nishkama bhakti i.e propitiating the Lord without expectations.
- Accomplish Purushartha or object of human endeavor. Which is to perform dharma to accomplish Moksha. Artha or wealth has to be used to do dharma. While the Kama, the desire is a consumable.
- Like Rishis having great belief and trust in Lord Tattva one should study the Bhagavata Shastra repeatedly to gain Jnana and Vairagya.
- One should do Jignasa or thorough argument, deliberation, and reasoning to gain knowledge and arrive at Tattva or Axiom. Illusion should be avoided by shunning Credulity and Superstition.
- One should propitiate the Lord through Hearing His Glories, Singing His Attributes, Meditation, and Worship with a meditative focus and a single objective.
- One should follow their respective Varnashrama dharma to gain Bhagavat Preeti or Lord’s love.
- One should not subjugate themselves to Sense organs and be balanced minded.
- One should do the pilgrimage to holy places and take a dip in holy rivers with Trust and Belief.
- One should do service of Saints and Gurus who are close to the Lord with Trust and Belief.
- One should develop a Prasanna or Lucid mind, Crave and eagerness to hear Lord’s Stories.
Hence the questions arise if these actions of Karma are not associated with Sins!
The Karma or Actions Associated for Bhakt
Sri Sutacharya explaining the attributes of Lord says,
यदनुध्यायिनो युक्ताः कर्मग्रन्थिनिबन्धनम् ।
छिन्दन्ति कोविदास्तस्य को न कुर्यात् कथारतिम् ॥
The thread of Actions or
Karma would shear by the Lord for those who are doing Meditation of Lord
by hearing his Stories or doing Bhakti.
For the question of Why so only in Bhakti! Sri
Suthacharya says,
शृण्वतां स्वकथाः कृष्णः पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनः ।
हृद्यन्तःस्थो ह्यभद्राणि विधुनोति सुहृत् सताम् ॥
Because Lord Krishna is eagerly waiting in the Lotus of Heart like a dear friend to destroys all our Sins that cause inauspiciousness and is ready
to pour his mercy or Prasada to his devotees propitiating him.
भगवत्तत्त्वविज्ञानं मुक्तसङ्गस्य जायते ॥
Hence, Sri Sutacharya says,
भगवद्भक्तियोगतः or The Axiom of Yoga is Bhakti.
As, एवं प्रसन्नमनसो, the mind which is not
coming under the influence of Rajasika and Thamaska Guna, that will get
engrossed in Vishnu Bhakti. As the mind becomes lucid or Prasanna because of
Nischala or Pure Bhakti, on individual capacity, he could contemplate on the
attributes and the Glory of Lord. Doing so, Bhakti will ripen and hence मुक्तसङ्गस्य the attachment with Indriyas will fall. Hence, the
Bhakti would further ripen to transform the mind into meditative Stage. The
meditation of Lord, his attributes and Glory. This would result with
The Knowledge of भगवत्तत्त्व or Lord, The
Indweller and विज्ञानं or the Special knowledge
of Aproksha Jnana or the sight of Lord and Bliss.
Aspects of Bhakti Yoga
We have seen Sri Sutacharya saying that one should propitiate the Lord by studying the Bhagavata Shastra repeatedly to gain Jnana and Vairagya. Do Jignasa or thorough argument, deliberation, and reasoning to gain knowledge and arrive at Tattva or Axiom. By shunning Credulity and Superstition for avoiding illusion, one should propitiate the Lord through Hearing His Glories, Singing His Attributes, Meditation, and Worship with meditative focus and a single objective.
Whatever that takes the mind’s space the most, the same would come oftenly to our thoughts and seen by the inner eye. The most loved would occupy the most! The fragmented mind space would be a distraction. Hence, one should do Pooja or worship an Idol of Lord. While Idol itself is not the Lord or God. But inside the idol is the Lord or his divinity. Lord has legs thighs, waist, trunk, hands and face as beautiful Purusha. When one is able to see the Lord from the inner eye is called "Dharana". At the beginning this would be intermittent. But with regular practice, the naistaki or continuous sight of Lord for a longer period of time is achieved and this is called "Dhyana". If one is able to see Lord at any time as he wishes is called "Samadhi". While the other procedures of Yoga say this is possible only through Hata Yoga or Mantra Yoga or Laya Yoga, in Bhakti Yoga, this is Sahaja Yoga or Natural.
While studying indoctrination or singing the Glory of Lord, one will experience the concentration or focus. Regular study of indoctrination will awaken the Kundalini. Hence swadhyaya or sankeertana is important. The mind will attune with the subject of Lord and the object of his feature. Kundalini awakens gradually without having any impact on Physical body ending with Aparoksha Jnana in Bhakti Yoga.
|| Hari Om ||
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Arghya |
Varava padedavarante kaaniro, Be seen as blessed.
Hariya karunadolaada bhagyava,
The accomplishments happening due to Lord Hari's grace,
Hari samarpane maadi badukiro, Credit back to Lord Hari.
Sri Purandara Vithala raayana Charana kamalava nambi badukiro.
Live to have trust in the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Purandara Vithala.
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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