Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 – Bhakti in Lord Tattva
|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha ||
|| Hari Om ||
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear and clean knowledge. Always being satisfied, having no expectations with full of attributes, stainless, creates, sustains, destroys, regulates all non-living including liberates all living just by expression of his attributes is the only Lord having the Lordship. My salutations to HIM. My Salutations to Goddess Lakshmi who always wonders about the attributes of Lord to whom she is dearest. By assigning the most important and difficult task of locating Goddess Sita or getting the Sanjeevani, has been dear to Lord. My Salutations to Prasanna Hanuman in whose abode resides Goddess of Bhakti. Appearing always as sweet sixteen and bitten the sweetest fruit of all seasons and in whose orchestration only the best of Bhagavatas like Indra, Bali, SanatKumara, Uddhava, Narada, Prahlada, Dhruva, do sankeertana, my salutations to Sri Sukacharya the dear son of Lord and all the Bhagavatas. By repetition of whose name the quintessence of Vedas would be understood easily, my prostration to such Guru Sri Raghavendra.
Sri Sutacharya having explained that Bhakti or the Light of Love in Lord is Prime has said that the first spark of Bhakti is kindled by the Lord Adhokshaja out of his extreme kindness & generosity. Bhakti, when done without expectations, pleases the Lord. Lord Vishvaksena, who is very dear towards his devotees will bless to trump over evil and accomplish Purushartha or object of human endeavor. To ensure that one does not get lost in his pursuit has explained the purposes of each Purushartha viz. Dharma, Kama, and Artha to accomplish Moksha. While, in the pursuit of Purshuartha, one should do Jignasa or thorough deliberation to arrive at Tattva or Axiom and the yardstick of measure being rati or one's happiness in hearing the stories on the Glory of the Lord. Also, all accomplishments will result only through the blessing or Prasada of Lord, says Sri Sutacharya.
Sri Sutacharya says
वदन्ति तत्तत्त्वविदस्तत्त्वं यज्ज्ञानमद्वयम् ।
ब्रह्मेति परमात्मेति भगवानिति शब्द्यते ॥
सत्तामात्रं तु यत्किञ्चित् सदसच्चाविशेषणम्।
उभाभ्यां भाष्यते साक्षाद् भगवान् केवलः स्मृतः॥
The Lord who is unchanged from past, present and in future has his form as knowledge and bliss. There is no one equivalent to him or surpassing Him. He has the complete knowledge for creation, sustenance, destruction,etc., of the universe. He is also well known as Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan. Hence, the Philosophers call him Tattva.
The Saints who have extreme faith and devotion in the Lord do the Jnana Yagna or Sacrifice of studying Srimad Bhagavatam with dispassion to worldly matters. This consolidates their knowledge of Lord and is able to see him in their Lotus of Heart.
Here Sri Suthacharya calls the Lord as Tattva. Tattva or Axiom as he remains the same. From the immeasurable time that has past to the present and for an immeasurable time in future. Which is Anadi to Ananta! He is Axiom. That describes the Lord. From the immeasurable time back, the way lord was he would continue to be there for an immeasurable time in future too. There will be no changes nor Transformation or alteration in him.
Hence, the question arises, in which form is he? The knowledge what we have about ourselves or relatives or friends or other species of plants and animals is, we are born very small, we grow and become older. When we are born, we have very little intelligence, knowledge, and sense. So too, our strength. However, we grow and pick up size, strength, knowledge and so on. We grow older, lose strength. Perhaps, get diseased before deceased. Also, we see that our body is made up with a frame of a skeleton, stuffed with flesh, embedded with nerves. Our veins and arteries carrying blood. And packed with skin. This is because, our body construction is from Prakriti and is gunatmaka composed of Satva Guna, Rajo Guna, and Thamo Guna as we understood in Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Mangalacharna continued:
"Like the Potter makes earthen Pots, so too the Lord creates mahat-tattva, ahamkara tattva and all non-living Substance including Fire, Water, and Soil made of three Gunas and being in several forms of himself enters these non-living substance and is called Jada Sristi"
So, is the body of the Lord same as ours? No, says Sri Suthacharya. The Lord is Tattva and has not changed since the past and would be the same in the future. The future that is Ananta or immeasurable. He is not made of Prakrit. The Prakriti does not remain the same and keeps changing. Including Soil, Water, Fire, Air, Either. There are changes in Sun & Moon too. This is because of the characteristic of Prakriti. As he is Tattva, he is not made of Prakriti. Then what is he made of? What is his form?
Sri Suthacharya is saying that the Lord is ज्ज्ञानम as Jnanam or his form is of Knowledge. सत्तामात्रं as sathamatram or sat being Stainless, th being Ananda and Matram being Body. Hence the Lord is of just Jnana and just Ananda. He has no blemishes. Also, he is अद्वय and is not without second or equivalent nor one can surpass His Knowledge and Happiness.
While Lord’s form also has Legs, Trunk. Chest, Hands Face and so on but is not made of Prakriti. As we eat, our body accumulates Soil, Water, Fire and so on to grow. But not that of Lord’s. Lord form constitutes Jnana and Ananda, but not made of Prakriti. Hence Lord has a body with Legs, Trunk. Chest, Hands Face and so on in a very beautiful form of Purusha. Better than any of his photos or pictures what we see and beyond human imagination. His form is of Jnana and Ananda. But not of Prakriti.
We too have experienced Knowledge and Happiness. The Knowledge of Astronomy, Science, Space, Nuclear Technology and so on. Also, simple knowledge like grow, prepare and eat food. Clothing, shelter, transport, etc. Are the Lord’s knowledge and happiness similar to ours? If so, then his knowledge and happiness too should encounter variations as in ours. Or over a longer period of time. But Sri Suthacharya is telling that he is Tattva. Not been changing for a long time.
We could have knowledge of a particular book. Also, one can experience the same. So too, driving a vehicle or swimming. We could have experience of having such knowledge. Our knowledge is an object-oriented or the subject of the object. Further examples could be Sight of Scenic beauty or River, Mountains, etc. We will get those knowledge based on the object. However, if for the Lord, knowing is dependent on these objects, then his independence is a question. He becomes paratantra or dependent or slave of these objects. So too, Ananda. As we feel bliss because of external objects and if the Lord also feels so, then he becomes Paratantra. However, the Lord's Knowledge and Ananda is not Object or Subject Oriented. He has the Jnana and Ananda that only he could experience.Also, the form of Goddess Lakshmi and that of Gods is Jnana and Ananda. Hence, Sri Suthacharya says यज्ज्ञानमद्वयम् or Lord's form of Knowledge and Ananda is second to none. Nor equivalent to any. No one could surpass his Knowledge and Ananda. Goddess Lakshmi serves at his feet at all times and keeps wondering on his attributes. So too are Gods. Even the best of being God Brahma has equivalents including the one who passed by in Mukta Vaikunta. Though Goddess has no equivalence Lord surpasses her manifold and she is dependent on him.
This we already understood in Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Mangalacharna continued:
Swarat, Though Goddess Lakshmi, Brahma, Vayu, Rudra are all Jnani or knowledgeable but are dependent. Even when nothing existed, he existed. Only the Lord is Independent and swaprakashika or self-glowing and rest are dependent on him. As Swarat, he is the Lord for himself.
Hence, Sri Sutahacharya says यत्किञ्चित् or He is not even an iota like that of other beings! Lord is not like what we see in this world. He is सदसच्चाविशेषणम् or He is distinctive & excellent! Though he is of Jnana & Ananda, he is not like us encountering death and birth even in Knowledge and Happiness. Hence, our Knowledge and Happiness is not an example of his knowledge and Ananda which is not with respect to any object or its subject.
Appears to be unhinged! But not so. When there was nothing, he was there. He was with his form of Knowledge and Happiness and so too now. Hence, he created the objects which have subject matter too. From these object what the Lord created, we derive Knowledge and Ananda. And for Lord, since he already had the knowledge he created. That means not because of the Universe he got Knowledge. He had the knowledge and hence he created the Universe. All Knowledge including those of Goddess Lakshmi, Brahma, Rudra, Indra, etc., several-several species, including even about a blade of Grass, Lord has Knowledge. This knowledge, he has before creation including the timelines. Hence, all that we see has been happening so. Hence, he is Independent on the subject, as the knowledge of the subject is the basis for the creation of the object. Including the act which is visible and reasons that is not visible. Nothing is surprising to Lord. Lord is not comparable to anything that we see in this earth. He is not Prakrata.
Appears to be unhinged! But not so. When there was nothing, he was there. He was with his form of Knowledge and Happiness and so too now. Hence, he created the objects which have subject matter too. From these object what the Lord created, we derive Knowledge and Ananda. And for Lord, since he already had the knowledge he created. That means not because of the Universe he got Knowledge. He had the knowledge and hence he created the Universe. All Knowledge including those of Goddess Lakshmi, Brahma, Rudra, Indra, etc., several-several species, including even about a blade of Grass, Lord has Knowledge. This knowledge, he has before creation including the timelines. Hence, all that we see has been happening so. Hence, he is Independent on the subject, as the knowledge of the subject is the basis for the creation of the object. Including the act which is visible and reasons that is not visible. Nothing is surprising to Lord. Lord is not comparable to anything that we see in this earth. He is not Prakrata.
The Sun as an image reflects in water and appears as if several reflected image. So too, several forms of Pratibimba or reflected images appear in both invisible and visible Jiva as a medium of reflection and Lord being Bimba or image like the Sun. This reflection of Lord on Jiva is called Jiva Srishti.
Starting from God Brahma to a blade of grass are all reflection of the Lord and are dependent for their creation. The Lord is only independent.
During the Lord's incarnation as Krishna, He appeared as Vasudeva. He appeared bigger as Krishna to kill Putana, appeared bigger to eat butter and create an illusion as if he stole, having Lordship though. Also appeared as Udupi kadagolu Krishna, Gopala, Murlidhara, Giridhara, Kamsahara, Gopika Krishna, Rukmini Satyabhama Krishna, Parthasarathy, Arjuna-Krishna, and so on. There are several devotees worshipping His each of these form. However, Sri Sutacharya says He is Tattva. So a question may arise if worshipping Vasudeva Krishna as a baby is right or one needs to worship only his older form of Pandharpur Vithoba. In Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Mangalacharna continued, we have noted the Ishwara Srishti as below:
Tejovarimrudam yata vinimayo, from the processing of Fire, Water, and Soil, an earthen Pot is made by a potter. In the same way, three types of creations are taken up by the Lord. That is Ishwara Srishti or appearance of Lord & Goddess, Jiva Srishti or providing a body to life and Jada Sristi, the creation of all substance not having the life. Ishwara Srishti involves the appearance of Lord & Goddess and creation of several forms of himself. As he himself is a luminous or bright & shining, he becomes several of the luminous body. He does so, by lighting several flames from one flame.
Lord being Tattva creates several forms of himself including Vasudeva, Butter Krishna, Udupi kadagolu Krishna, Gopala, Murlidhara, Giridhara, Kamsahara, Gopika Krishna, Rukmini Satyabhama Krishna, Parthasarathy, Arjuna-Krishna, and so on at the beginning of creation and remains so till the Mahapralaya. Subsequently, remains being merged till the next creation. Hence, he and his forms are all Tattva and remains unchanged.
He is Tattva and should be understood by Jignasa or thorough deliberation, says Sri Sutacharya. However, Brahma Sutras are telling one to do Brahma Jignasa, Vedas are telling one should know about Atma who is param or Supreme and Puranas calling to hear the stories describing the glories of Bhagavan.
Brahma is Full or Complete or Poorna. He is filled in the entire creation, also during all times. While as Atma we are in the body but controlled by supreme Atma who is in all beings, hence Paramatma. He is Sadguna Sampanna or complete with the Six Attributes of Aishwarya or Supremacy, Dhairya or Courage, Eshas or Fame, Sri or Wealth, Jnana or Knowledge and Vishesha Jnana or Special Knowledge. Hence, He is called Bhagavan.
Hence, Sri Suthacharya is saying ब्रह्मेति परमात्मेति भगवानिति शब्द्यते or Call him as Brahma or Paramatma or Bhagavan, these words are all referred to the same Lord Tattva.
Below is the summary of attributes and few parlances used:
- Brahma as Ananta desha Vyapta or Omnipresent; Ananta Kala Vyapta or Eternal and Poorna or Independent.
- Paramatma being the Indweller of Jivatma regulates and is Supreme.
- Bhagavan is Ananta Kalyana Guna Poorna as he is Full of attributes.
जीवस्यातत्त्वजिज्ञासोर्नार्थो यश्चेह कर्मभिः. Which is doing any sort of activity without an objective is of no use. Hence, Jignasa or deliberating on the fundamental basis of Tattva or arrive at Axiom for the purpose of life and the process to accomplish is being Smart! This siddhi or perfection is what one gets from the study of Srimad Bhagavata.
He is not like what we see in this world and hence Jignasa needs to be done. He is special because he is not dependent on an object or its subject for knowledge. In fact, since he has the knowledge, an object gets created and the subject gets formed. All Good Acts or Bad Reasons are known to Him. Hence nothing surprises Him. And nothing is to be explored by Him, the Lord.
In all that we do, the objective should be to acquire the knowledge of the Lord. By doing so, we would be pleasing him. Our Jignase or deliberations will strengthen knowledge. Also, the Lord will bless with his knowledge. With knowledge of Lord and knowing his glory, Bhakti in his lotus feet increases. As our Bhakti increases, the mind becomes Prasanna or Lucid. This Bhakti is definitive and would give result says Sri Suthacharya for the first question of Sri Shaunaka Rishi.
Sri Suthacharya continues to say,
तच्छ्रद्दधाना मुनयो ज्ञानवैराग्ययुक्तया ।पश्यन्त्यात्मनि चाsत्मानं भक्त्या श्रुतिगृहीतया ॥
Having great belief and trust in Lord Tattva, Rishis study the Bhagavata Shastra repeatedly to gain Jnana and Vairagya. This would blossom the Bhakti or the Light of Love towards the Lord and the splendid Lotus-eyed Lord would manifest in their Heart.
|| Hari Om ||
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Arghya |
Varava padedavarante kaaniro, Be seen as blessed.
Hariya karunadolaada bhagyava,
The accomplishments happening due to Lord Hari's grace,
Hari samarpane maadi badukiro, Credit back to Lord Hari.
Sri Purandara Vithala raayana Charana kamalava nambi badukiro.
Live to have trust in the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Purandara Vithala.
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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