Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1- The Axiom of Atma (Continued)
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
My Salutations to Lord Adhokshaja, Lord Vasudeva,
bestower of Satvika Bhakti. My repeated Salutation to the unchanging Lord
Tattva, the bestower of Nishkama Bhakti. My Salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi who
removes our ignorance & wrongful knowledge, who keeps us away from entertainment
that would bind us with actions & desire and bestows a desire for Satvika
Bhakti. My Salutations to Bharati Ramana, the cause of happiness to Goddess
Bharati influencing Bhakti. My Salutation to Parvati Pati, cause for
My Prostration to the attendant of God Brahma who accrued an immeasurable Satvika merit as Prahlad and as Guru Raghavendra bestows only Satvika blessings which is stainless.
As we remind ourselves that long-time back, before the start of Kali Yuga, a Satra or a spiritual gathering was organized under the leadership of Sri Shaunaka Rishi in Naimisharanya. Incidentally, Sri Sutacharya happened to visit there like a bright Sun that dispels the darkness of night at the dawn of every morning. Being concerned for the virtuous taking birth in the dark age of Kali Yuga, Sri Shaunaka Rishi had asked six questions to Sri Sutacharya that included the following:
My Prostration to the attendant of God Brahma who accrued an immeasurable Satvika merit as Prahlad and as Guru Raghavendra bestows only Satvika blessings which is stainless.
As we remind ourselves that long-time back, before the start of Kali Yuga, a Satra or a spiritual gathering was organized under the leadership of Sri Shaunaka Rishi in Naimisharanya. Incidentally, Sri Sutacharya happened to visit there like a bright Sun that dispels the darkness of night at the dawn of every morning. Being concerned for the virtuous taking birth in the dark age of Kali Yuga, Sri Shaunaka Rishi had asked six questions to Sri Sutacharya that included the following:
आपन्नः संसृतिं घोरां यन्नाम विवशो गृणन् ।
ततः सद्यो विमुच्येत यद्बिभेति स्वयं भयम् ॥
को वा भगवतस्तस्य पुण्यश्लोकेड्यकर्मणः ।
शुद्धिकामो न शृणुयाद्यशः कलिमलापहम् ॥
In the very scary cycle of
death and birth, uttering Lord Sriman Narayana’s name would retrieve even from
the most horrific situation. Even the horror is horrified by his name. Please
tell us his story. Even the saints from whose blessings, the ordinary would get
purified, take refuge in the Lotus feet of Lord, tell us his stories. The Lord who has the highest fame, worthy of being praised, carries out his
divine play. The glory of his divine fame would purify the Soul. Who would not
be desirous to hear? We have the highest faith in him, please tell us his
extraordinary fame. Hearing which the pollutants of Kali disappear.
अथाख्याहि हरेर्धीमन्नवतारकथाः शुभाः ।
लीला विदधतः स्वैरमीश्वरस्यात्ममायया ॥
वयं तु न वितृप्याम उत्तमश्लोकविक्रमे ।
यच्छृण्वतां रसज्ञानां स्वादु स्वादु पदे पदे ॥
Lord assumes various forms
like Matsya, Kurma, Varaha including that of Mohini that caused the illusion to
all Daitya or evil, please tell us those
stories. Hearing those stories written in divine verses describing the
immeasurable valor of Lord is fantastic and overwhelming. It generates powerful
and mysteriously fascinating feelings towards the Lord and is always afresh and
anew on every step. How couldn't a devotee surrender himself to that divine
Sri Sutacharya as a response says,
वासुदेवपरा वेदा वासुदेवपरा मखाः | वासुदेवपरा योगा वासुदेवपराः क्रियाः ॥
वासुदेवपरं ज्ञानं वासुदेवपरं तपः| वासुदेवपरो धर्मो वासुदेवपरा गतिः॥
Should it be Vedas, or Sacrifice, or Yoga, or Actions of Activity, all
pertain to Lord Vasudeva. So too the Knowledge, or Austerity, or the
indoctrinations in philosophy, all pertain to Lord Vasudeva. For everything, it
is Lord Vasudeva, the basis of sustenance.
The most famous act of
Lord is the Creation of this Universe having the highest fame. Sri Sutacharya
narrates this act of Lord Parama Purusha. Also, his twenty-two forms sustaining
and controlling the universe and appearing visibly or invisibly as Indweller. The other form
of Lord what Sri Sutacharya describes is in that in all non-living objects.
All the nonliving things what we see is the Idol of Lord.
Like the sweetness is
within the Sugar and Sugar within the sweetness,
The Lord is inside and outside
of all living bodies and nonliving Objects.
In all, Lord’s forms are
grouped as a) Swaroopa Roopa or His
direct form; b) Pratibimba Roopa or as reflection being Indweller and c)
Pratima Roopa or as Idol.
Apart from the above,
Sri Sutacharya narrates about Jiva or a Life called Atma that is fantastic,
invisible and is like that of Lord. However, as Atma is filled with Prakriti
and capsuled as Linga Deha having ignorance. Hence, has the vulnerability to the
act of Lord of Evil, Kali getting caught in the cycle of death and birth filled
with sorrow.
To a question as to how does
the Jiva look after breaking this cycle of death & birth? Sri Sutacharya
explaining says,
यत्रेमे सदसद्रूपे प्रतिषिद्धे स्वसंविदा ।
अविद्ययाऽऽत्मनि कृते इति तद्ब्रह्मदर्शनम् ॥ ३३॥
When the Jiva gets realization
of self or Atma, the ignorance starts disappearing. Also, the sight of various
forms of Lord in living bodies and non-living objects start appearing.
Consequently, the cycle of death and birth will break. This is called ब्राह्मदर्शनम् or Aproksha Jnana.
यत्रे or when
Jiva, इमे सदसद्रूपे who is in the form of
Prakrata Atma i.e. invisible Atma filled with invisible Prakriti having the deed
and the reason for such a deed being the physical body made of Prakriti. As
Linga Deha being Prakrtatmaka is invisible and Prakriti is the Physical body.
Hence, is called sadsadroopa causing अविद्यया or the three types of
ignorance viz. 1) Lord’s wish binding Jiva to regulate 2) Prakriti causing
Ignorance and 3) Ignorance of individual Jiva and कृते for these
three reasons, Ignorance has possessed the Jiva.
This Ignorance of Jiva also
does not permit to understand that यत्रे or In Lord has स्वसंविदा प्रतिषिद्धे the
form of only Jnana and Ananda. Or in other words, Lord has no Prakrata Linga
Deha nor Prakriti or the physical body. i.e. Lord is not having the cycle of death
& birth. The Jiva does not understand that Prakrata Atma and Prakriti are
limited to only Jiva and not to the Lord. Hence, the Almighty Srisha is
independent and the Lord to Goddess
Mahalakshmi influencing Prakriti. However, the Jiva is dependent or Dasa, a
As we read and understand
this, our minds may quickly wish to doubt this with a logic that though I
understand, nothing much is changing nor I am independent of obstacles with
differences or disagreement or dissidence, in short sorrow. This is the nature
of Prakriti or our exterior mind. Hence, when we do anusandana i.e. understand
the principles of philosophy, draw essence and implement it by practicing in
our day to day activities of life, the fruit of Bhakti Yoga ripens. The
anusandana of the Axiom of Bhakti is:
Lord is Srisha and I the Jiva is Dasa.
That is, when one does Sadana or Practise, sits down
cross-legged, closing the eyes, leaving all attachment towards the body, contemplating on the attributes of the Lord does dharna on his form as he stands on the Lotus of Heart by accomplishing Siddhi or Perfection. Also, The exceptionally dazzling and pleased Lord full of knowledge
and bliss will appear standing above Prakriti blesses Aparoksha Jnana.
This Aparoksha Jnana having
destroyed all the ignorance including on creation, destruction and the bind
with Prakriti is how Jiva gets released from the confinement of Prakriti. This
would yield clean and special Knowledge of Atma, the relation with Prakriti
including exterior Sensory Organs and the Lord Parmatma. This would be the form
of Jiva after having broken the cycle of death and birth.
By seeing the forms of Lord
during his appearances and singing the fame of the forms of the Lord, the Lord being pleased blesses Aproksha Jnana.
यद्येषोपरता देवी माया वैशारदी मतिः ।
सम्पन्न एवेति विदुर्महिम्नि स्वे महीयते ॥ ३४॥
After receiving the Aparoksha
Jnana and during the time of Pralaya, the Prakriti filled in the invisible Atma
gets cleansed and removed breaking Linga Deha or would have taken a dip in the river Viraja-Nadi on the way to Shweta Dweepa. This jiva having cleansed the bind of Prakriti would reach
Shwetadweepa. In Shweta Dweepa, the Lord Padmanabha in his sleeping posture of Yoga Nidra on God Sesha is being served by Goddess Mahalakshmi.
This is the seed form or the root form of Lord in this universe that Sri Sutacharya had narrated. The Jiva would be brimming with Bhakti and happiness. The moment he sees the mother Mahalakshmi at the feet of Lord, the Jiva gets overwhelmed, tears of Joy starts flowing, failing to control with the choked throat would be unable to say anything. The Jiva prostrates to the kind-hearted mother Mayadevi responsible to influence the Prakriti. The mother being pleased takes the Jiva into her arms blesses the permanent release from Prakriti. Subsequently, the Lord with several forms and names like Purusha or Padmanabha or Mayapati Vasudeva being pleased blesses the Jiva with Mukti. The Mukta Jiva would be able to express himself or experience the Knowledge and bliss.
This is the seed form or the root form of Lord in this universe that Sri Sutacharya had narrated. The Jiva would be brimming with Bhakti and happiness. The moment he sees the mother Mahalakshmi at the feet of Lord, the Jiva gets overwhelmed, tears of Joy starts flowing, failing to control with the choked throat would be unable to say anything. The Jiva prostrates to the kind-hearted mother Mayadevi responsible to influence the Prakriti. The mother being pleased takes the Jiva into her arms blesses the permanent release from Prakriti. Subsequently, the Lord with several forms and names like Purusha or Padmanabha or Mayapati Vasudeva being pleased blesses the Jiva with Mukti. The Mukta Jiva would be able to express himself or experience the Knowledge and bliss.
देवी माया – Goddess
Mahalakshmi influencing the Prakriti, उपरता – ceased or
free from, वैशारदी मतिः – Also, the
ignorance through the wish of Lord also ceases, महिम्नि स्वे महीयते – Jiva will
be able to experience the epitome of bliss embedded within himself then सम्पन्न एवेति विदु accomplish
For the virtuous to do anusandana of the Axiom of
Bhakti, Sri Sutacharya elaborates,
एवं जन्मानि कर्माणि ह्यकर्तुरजनस्य च ।
वर्णयन्ति स्म कवयो वेदगुह्यानि हृत्पतेः ॥ ३५॥
This way, in the Axiom of
Bhakti Yoga, the cause of Mukti from ignorance is Aparoksha Jnana. The cause
for Aparoksha Jnana is to see the forms and sing the fame of the Lord. Hence,
the almighty Lord with an immeasurable will power who could create the entire
universe just by desire i.e. इच्छा मात्रम् जगत् सृष्टि, out of his
extreme generosity appears in various forms and does the famous acts.
एवं This way,
the Aparoksha Jnana is the cause for Mukti. The cause for Aparoksha Jnana is by
Bhakti Yoga involving understanding जन्मानि the story of appearances of
Lord by कवयः or Jnanis and वर्णयन्ति
describing these stories and singing the fame of his Glory always. The Lord is अकर्तु: or independent and अजनस्य having no
death or birth. Also, अकर्तु: because he has no
expectation to himself from his कर्माणि or actions. He does so as
sports charm and also as in the वेदगुह्यानि or secrets of Veda. This हृत्पतेः or
Lord standing on the Lotus of the heart is being propitiated by Jnanis and वर्णयन्ति स्म described
to the students always.
By seeing the form and
hearing the fame of Lord, How does Jiva get Mukti? In
Bhakti, Sri Sutachary had said,
शृण्वतां स्वकथाः कृष्णः पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनः ।
हृद्यन्तःस्थो ह्यभद्राणि विधुनोति सुहृत् सताम् ॥
The most attractive, Lord
Krishna in his dark skin like the color of monsoon cloud, standing in हृद्यन्तःस्थो, the
Lotus of Heart like a सुहृत्, friend. A dear friend for
the सताम् or virtuous waiting with great patience as if he has
nothing else to do except for ह्यभद्राणि विधुनोति,
destroying all our Sins that cause inauspiciousness and ready to pour his
He is waiting for us to श्रवणकीर्तनः, hear and sing his Glory. So that he could pour पुण्य, the mercy, and high merit.
Like he did to Kuchela, with a
torn dress and made him Sudhama, having in abundance for just three fists of
beaten rice. The rice filled with Love, brimming with devotion through hearing
and singing the Glory of the Lord.
So too, he came as if he is at
the beck and call of Prahlada! Also, in a form only dedicated to him!
Hence, the answer to the
question as to how can the Jiva get rid of this Prakriti or break the cycle of
death and birth is that Jiva has to see the form and hear the fame of Lord i.e.
accomplish Aparoksha
Jnana. Therefore, the kindhearted and most merciful Lord takes the form of
Kumara, Varaha, Mahidasa, Nara-Narayana and so on, from time to time to enable
this Jiva to see and hear of him even in Linga Deha. Also, for the periods of
nonappearance, he has arranged Literature of Philosophy, Shastras, to enable
Jiva to hear about him. The sports charm of Lord is not for himself but to help
the Jivas. He has no use of this as being always satisfied.
स वा इदं विश्वममोघलीलः सृजत्यवत्यत्ति न सज्जतेऽस्मिन् ।
स वा इदं विश्वममोघलीलः सृजत्यवत्यत्ति न सज्जतेऽस्मिन् ।
भूतेषु चान्तर्हित आत्मतन्त्रः षाड्वर्गिकं जिघ्रति षड्गुणेशः ॥ ३६॥
Having the six complete
attributes of Ishwarya or Wealth of Knowledge, Dhairya or Courage, Samartya or
capacity, Eshas or fame, Shree or Kanti, and Vishesha Jnana, displays the exceptional sport of Creation of this Universe, Protection, Destructions, and so
on, However, does not have any attachment. He is extremely Independent. Being
as an Indweller in all Jiva and sensory organs have complete knowledge
without being soiled.
न चास्य कश्चिन्निपुणेन धातुरवैति जन्तुः कुमनीष ऊतीः ।
नामानि रूपाणि मनोवचोभिः सन्तन्वतो नटचर्यामिवाज्ञः ॥ ३७॥
A Hypnotist or an Actor with
his extraordinary talent does amazing acts which a dull person cannot even
understand. Similarly, the Lord who manifests all that is written in Vedas, the
attributes in his name, and the forms mentioned in the scriptures just by his
desire cannot be understood by a vice person full of wicked thoughts through
words nor through mind or intellect.
स वेद धातुः पदवीं परस्य दुरन्तवीर्यस्य रथाङ्गपाणेः ।
योऽमायया सन्ततयानुवृत्त्या भजेत तत्पादसरोजगन्धम् ॥ ३८॥
The valor, aggression and the power of Lord holding
the divine disc named Sudarshana is immeasurable and unsurpassed. Though the whole universe is established by him, He is unique and special.
अथेह धन्या भगवन्त इत्थं यद्वासुदेवेऽखिललोकनाथे ।
कुर्वन्ति सर्वात्मकमात्मभावं न यत्र भूयः परिवर्त उग्रः ॥ ३९॥
Sutacharya hails and applauds
Shaunakadi Rishis and says, fortunate are you Rishis being auspicious and
worthy of worship. Because you all have submitted yourself in all the way to
the Lord of this Universe, Vasudeva.
Varava padedavarante kaaniro, Be seen as blessed.
Hariya karunadolaada bhagyava,
The accomplishments happening due to Lord Hari's grace,
Hari samarpane maadi badukiro, Credit back to Lord Hari.
Sri Purandara Vithala raayana Charana kamalava nambi badukiro.
Live to have trust in the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Purandara Vithala.
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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