Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - Srimad Bhagavatam, A Refuge Assured
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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|| Sri Veda Vyasaya Namaha || |
व्यासाय विष्णुरूपाय व्यासरूपाय विष्णवे ।
नमो वै ब्रह्मनिधये वासिष्ठाय नमो नमः ॥
Vyasa the form of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu the
form of Lord Vyasa, my salutations to you the treasure of creation. My repeated
salutations to you, the grandson of Vasishta Rishi.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa, the
destroyer of emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of
abundance having heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated
salutations to you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the
experience of the Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds
spiritual light on the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the
intense cycle of death and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is
very secretive in nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your continued
जयति जगति मायां यस्य कायाधवस्ते वचनरचनमेकं केवलं चाकलय्य।
ध्रुवपदमपि यातो यत्क्रुपातो ध्रुवोऽयं सकलकुशलपात्रं ब्रह्मपुत्रं नतास्मि॥
Narada Rishi,
Prahlada the son of Kayadhu, had full faith in your teachings that The Lord is
present everywhere and would never let his devotee down. He held this even
during his most adverse situation and won the blessings of Lord Sri Narasimha.
So too, did Prince Dhruva had your advice & blessings and became immovable
Star or Polar Star. You are generous and object of all auspiciousness. Your
blessings will yield the siddhi of thoughts of The Lord at all times. My
Salutations to you the Son of God Brahma.
मूकोऽपि यत्प्रसादेन मुकुन्दशयनायते ।
राजराजायते रिक्तो राघवेन्द्रं तमाश्रये ॥
Your mercy would confer the blessings of
Lord Mukunda laying on God Sesha. Even
a dumb become an eloquent speaker, a pauper becomes wealthy as God Kubera.
I seek refuge in you, Guru Raghavendra.
I seek refuge in you, Guru Raghavendra.
Long time back,
before the dawn of Kali Yuga, a Satra or a spiritual gathering was organized
under the leadership of Sri Shaunaka Rishi in Naimisharanya. Sri Sutacharya
visited there like a bright Sun that dispels the darkness of night at the dawn
of every morning. Sri Shaunaka Rishi singing the glory of the knowledgeable Sri
Sutacharya said thus,
यानि वेदविदां श्रेष्ठो भगवान् बादरायणः ।
अन्ये च मुनयः सूत परावरविदो विदुः ॥
You are well aware
of the one who is propounded and explained only by Vedas, The Lord, The Para Tattva. Also, His
qualities and the nature of prakrti-purusha or the relation of Lord and Nature.
Your understanding is consistent with that of all great Rishis and Saints. With
the blessings of Lord Veda Vyasa, you have understood the essence and secrets
or the decoded meanings in these scriptures. Like a very good teacher teaching
to an affectionate student to ensure that he does not forget, so too, Lord Veda
Vyasa himself has taught you affectionately.
With Lord Sri Krishna's below teaching to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita:
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे॥ BG-4-8
For the protection of virtuous, destruction of vice
and establishing the dharma or the righteous path, I shall appear on the earth
from time to time.
Sri Shaunaka Rishi continuing to inquire says,
कलिमागतमाज्ञाय क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन् वैष्णवे वयम् ।
आसीना दीर्घसत्रेण कथायां सक्षणा हरेः ॥
ब्रूहि योगेश्वरे कृष्णे ब्रह्मण्ये धर्मवर्मणि ।
स्वां काष्ठामधुनोपेते धर्मः कं शरणं गतः ॥
Noticing the dawn of
Kali Yuga, we have taken up a vow to conduct this spiritual gathering in this
Holy Vaishnava Kshetra for a very long period. Till we accomplish moksha. We
are very eager and have sufficient time to hear the stories of the Lord. We
assume that your coincidence of arrival is as if you have been sent by Lord.
The Lord of Yoga,
Sri Krishna protected Dharma and Brahmana. Sri Sutacharya, after his
disappearance from this earth, in whom is Dharma taking refuge? We request you
to please tell us in detail.
After the disappearance of Lord Sri Krishna, Dharma had to take refuge. Unless someone
supports and nourish Dharma, it cannot sustain. Even at an individual level,
this is so. Hence, we require someone to preach, teach and lead us to follow
Dharma. After the disappearance of Lord Sri Krishna, God of Dharma took refuge
in Lord Veda Vyasa. Lord Veda Vyasa composed Mahabharata including Bhagavat
Gita & Vishnu Sahasranama, Eighteen (18) Puranas including Srimad Bhagavatam for
protection of Dharma.
For the protection
of Dharma, both Jnana Bala or the power of Knowledge and Bahu Bala or the
physical power is required. In good old ages, Jnana Bala was conferred by Guru
and Bahu Bala was extended by the King. However, the virtuous of Kali-yuga
are destitute and deprived of such Gurus or Kings. However, Srimad
Bhagavatam offers both. It gives knowledge like a Guru and also protects from
evil forces and wicked people like a good King. Those taking the refuge of Srimad
Bhagavatam by studying & following Bhagavata Dharma, need not worry for clean &
pure knowledge or protection from vice.
Sri Sutacharya says,
इदं भागवतं नाम पुराणं ब्रह्मसम्मितम् ।
उत्तमश्लोकचरितं चकार भगवान् ऋषिः ॥ ४०॥
निःश्रेयसाय लोकस्य धन्यं स्वस्त्ययनं महत् ।
तदिदं ग्राहयामास सुतमात्मवतां वरम् ॥ ४१॥
Bhagavan Veda Vyasa
composed this Bhagavata Purana equivalent to Vedas, complete with the
description of fame and glory of the Lord for the benefit of Virtuous.
Subsequently, He initiated this great Bhagavata having complete Axiom of
Philosophy, auspiciousness, cause for fortune and prosperity of the world to
Aproksha Jnani & His beloved son Sri Shukacharya.
For लोकस्य निःauspiciousness in the world and श्रेयसाय or upliftment of each & every Satvika Jiva ensuring their Mukti, भगवान् ऋषिः or Lord Veda Vyasa who is complete with his attributes,
having उत्तमश्लोकचरितं the story of
immeasurable fame and glory and ब्रह्मसम्मितम् equivalent to Vedas
चकार composed इदं भागवतं नाम पुराणं This Purana named
This would निःश्रेयसाय लोकस्य धन्यं rejuvenates and energizes the virtuous people of Kali
Yuga suffering from several difficulties that are further multiplied by Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, and Matsarya or Arishadvargas and are tattered in life.
With rasapana or
having juice called Bhagavata, one will get energized to face another fight of
life. स्वस्त्ययनं all kalyana or prosperity required will be bestowed
by Srimad Bhagavatam. All Mangalya or auspiciousness is in this. There is no
disease nor problem, nor difficulty nor an issue that would not be destroyed by doing service of Srimad Bhagavatam and cause auspiciousness.
For us to do sadhana
or accomplishment, we need a clean and pure mind. For a clean and pure mind,
the Indrya or sensory organs have to cooperate, Srimad Bhagavatam bestows that.
One should get birth in the right place, in the right family, Srimad Bhagavatam
creates a suitable environment. It provides a Vaishnava family having wife, and
children supporting sadhana. A practitioner requires Ksetra or a suitable place
and wealth to study Srimad Bhagavatam.
Also, the study means service to Guru. All this and more will be
conferred by Srimad Bhagavatam.
In the second verse of prayer of this Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Veda Vyasa has narrated the same
and is repeated below for immediate reference:
धर्मः प्रोज्झितकैतवोऽत्र परमो निर्मत्सराणां सतां वेद्यं वास्तवमत्र वस्तु शिवदं तापत्रयोन्मूलनम् ।
श्रीमद्भागवते महामुनिकृते किं वा परैरीश्वरः सद्यो हृद्यवरुध्यतेऽत्र कृतिभिः शुश्रूषुभिस्तत्क्षणात् ॥
Srimad Bhagavatam contains the complete
knowledge of Dharma which holds one from falling down purifies, and puts on to
the path leading to The Lord. This path seeks the continued practice of honoring,
worshipping, admiring & praising The Lord without any jealousy or
expectation nor being deceptive. While being on the path, removes all sorts of
difficulties, bestows prosperity, makes one sajjana or virtuous and solidify Bhakti or devotion. Hence, Srimad Bhagavatam composed by The Lord Veda
Vyasa himself is great and guarantees to reveal The Lord who is always present
in the heart of all the individuals.
Also, Lord Sri Krishna himself is present
in one of his form in Srimad Bhagavatam as he told to Uddhava in Lord
Hence, Sri Sutacharya says,
निःश्रेयसाय लोकस्य धन्यं स्वस्त्ययनं महत् ।
Such supreme and
excellent scripture was composed in which Dharma took refuge. In short, after the
disappearance of Lord Sri Krishna, Dharma took refuge in Lord Veda Vyasa or
Vasishta Krishna. Vasishta Krishna composed Srimad Bhagavatam in which is
a form of Lord Yadava Krishna providing Abhaya or safety to Dharma and to all Dharmika or those who follow Dharma.
सर्ववेदेतिहासानां सारं सारं समुद्धृतम् ।
स तु संश्रावयामास महाराजं परीक्षितम् ॥ ४२॥
In this Srimad
Bhagavatam, the essence of all Vedas and legendary scripture has been
summarised. This has been initiated by Sri Sukacharya and narrated to Parikshit maharaja,
आत्मवतां वरम् – Mahamanasvi being
great with the strong, bright & clean mind is the God influencing all
living minds. Who is non-other than Sri Shukacharya. सर्ववेदेतिहासानां i.e. All Vedas viz. Rigveda, Yajurveda,
Samaveda & Atharvaveda. All historical & legendary scriptures Viz.
Pancharatra, Mahabharata, Mula Ramayana, and all the eighteen (18) Puranas. समुद्धृतम् analyzed and filtered सारं सारं essence of all essences
has been composed in Srimad Bhagavatam.
प्रायोपविष्टं गङ्गायां परीतं परमर्षिभिः ।
कृष्णे स्वधामोपगते धर्मज्ञानादिभिः सह ॥ ४३॥
Parikshit Raja filled with remorse had taken the vow of Prayopavistam. He had stopped
eating any food and drinking water and heard Bhagavata Katha day and night for
the last seven days of his life with full of happiness. He was surrounded by
maharishis. By that time, Lord Sri Krishna including the Pancha Pandavas with
King Yudhishthira influencing Dharma, Bhima influencing Jnana had disappeared
from the earth.
कलौ नष्टदृशामेष पुराणार्कोऽधुनोदितः ।
तत्र कीर्तयतो विप्रा विप्रर्षेर्भूरितेजसः ॥ ४४॥
The Kali Yuga had
dawned and the people were engulfed in ignorance. On the bank of Ganges and as
a remedy for Parikshit Raja, Srimad Bhagavatam raised like the Sun rises every
morning dispelling the darkness of ignorance. The brilliant Sri Shukacharya who
had accomplished the perfection of Bhakti Yoga and received Aproksha Jnana sang
Srimad Bhagavatam in the middle of Rishis and the gathering in which I too was
present says Sri Sutacharya.
अहं चाध्यगमं तत्र निविष्टस्तदनुग्रहात् ।
सोऽहं वः श्रावयिष्यामि यथाधीतं यथामति ॥ ४५॥
The Srimad
Bhagavatam that I heard from the brilliant Sri Sukacharya and what I studied with
his kind permission, I shall tell the same to best of my ability, said Sri
इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां संहितायां प्रथमस्कन्धे नैमिषीयोपाख्याने तृतीयोऽध्यायः ॥ ३॥
With this, we complete a part of "The substory of Naimishya"
third Adhyaya, of Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1.
We could do so only
with the grace of Guru Sri Raghavendra and all his philosophical associates
including Sri Saunaka & his fellow Rishis, Sri Sutacahrya, Sri Sukachary,
God Vayu, and Sri Hari as their Jnana Prasada.
Let's pray for their continued blessings.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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