Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Birth of Parakshid
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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Hare Srinivasa |
कल्यण अद्भुत गात्राय कामितार्थ प्रदयिने ।
श्रीमद् वेन्कटनाथाय श्रीनिवासय ते नम: ॥
Your benevolence for granting wishes
is incredibly vast and unsurpassed.
Divine Lord Venkateshwara! Destroyer
of Sins! An abode of Mahalakshmi! Srinivasa!
My salutations to you.
भवाय नस्त्वं भव विश्वभावन त्वमेव माताथ सुहृत्पतिः पिता ।
त्वं सद्गुरुर्नः परमं च दैवतं यस्यानुवृत्त्या कृतिनो बभूविम ॥ ७॥
Vishwabhavana! From you, the whole
universe has arisen. Suhrtpati! You are the mother, the father, you are the
friend, as well as our teacher. Sadguru! It is you, who makes us walk on the
right path. You are our lord, as well as being worshipped. We are safe and
successful by taking refuge in your lotus feet which are auspicious.
Lord! You
are the only cause of our success.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa,
the destroyer of emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of
abundance having heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated
salutations to you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the
experience of the Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is
very secretive in nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your
continued blessings.
दयादाक्षिण्यवैराग्यवाक्पाटवमुखाङिकतः ।
शापानुृग्रहशक्तोऽन्यो राघवेन्द्रन्नविध्यते ॥
The face symbolizing Compassion;
Modesty; Dispassion towards sensual pleasure; Eloquence; Power to remove curses
is none else than you, Guru Raghavendra. My salutations to you.
By hearing the stories of Bhagavatas or the devout
Vaishnavas, though very narrow and difficult path, we will be blessed and
motivated to walk on the righteous path leading towards the lotus feet of the
Lord. As taken by Pandavas, Kunti Devi, Subadhra, and Uttara Devi. Also, let
the Bhakti sprout in each of us, a devout Vaishnava like Parakshid raja be born
in each of our families as happened in Pandu family and bring solace to all our
Sri Shaunaka Rishi representing thousands of rishis
assembled for a spiritual gathering in Naimisharanya says to Sri Sutacharya
शौनक उवाच
अश्वत्थाम्नोपसृष्टेन ब्रह्मशीर्ष्णोरुतेजसा ।
उत्तराया हतो गर्भ ईशेनाजीवितः पुनः ॥ १॥
तस्य जन्म महाबुद्धेः कर्माणि च महात्मनः ।
निधनं च यथैवासीत्स प्रेत्य गतवान् यथा ॥ २॥
तदिदं श्रोतुमिच्छामो गदितुं यदि मन्यसे ।
ब्रूहि नः श्रद्दधानानां यस्य ज्ञानमदाच्छुकः ॥ ३॥
Sri Sutacharya! We are fortunate to hear from you
the stories narrating the glories of the Lord and his devotees. Also, various
misperceptions of the Lord prevalent in the society have been clarified by you.
We are free from the illusion and believe that the Lord is not a warmonger nor
is crazy about women. Your clarifications have not only increased our faith in
the Lord but also continues to rise.
As per the assurance is given to Duryodhana, we had
heard that Ashwathamaacharya had executed the bright Brahmashirsastra that had
attacked the womb of Uttara Devi. However, Lord Sri Krishna protected the womb
from which an intellectual with high valor, courage, and a great soul,
Parakshid raja was born. Shuka muni initiated the knowledge of Bhagavata to
this great soul, Parakshid raja. If it is okay to you, please narrate the
stories of birth, actions, death and subsequent accomplishments by Parakshid
raja. We wish to hear his story of whom Sri Shukacharya initiated the knowledge
of bhakti,. We are keen to hear with complete trust and faith, said Shaunaka
Sri Sutacharya says,
अपीपलद्धर्मराजः पितृवद्रञ्जयन् प्रजाः ।
निःस्पृहः सर्वकामेभ्यः कृष्णपादाब्जसेवया ॥ ४॥
Sri Shaunaka! Dharmaraja Yudhistira was always at
the service of the Lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna. Like the business of honey
bee, he would sting the lotus feet of Lord to drink only honey. For the rest,
he had given-up covetousness. He took care of the subjects of his kingdom as
his own Seeing the Lord protecting him, dousing the heat, and making the
surrounding pleasant, the yet to be born baby started wondering who is that!
Hence, Parakshid is true to the sense as पर्ये or परितः is surrounding and अक्षत is Uninjured as he is protected all around and remained uninjured.
सम्पदः क्रतवो लोका महिषी भ्रातरो मही ।
जम्बूद्वीपाधिपत्यं च यशश्च त्रिदिवं गतम् ॥ ५॥
While Dharmarja was the king of Hastinapura, he
was an emperor of Jambudweepa. The other kings of Jambudweep sought security
from Dharmaraja and paid taxes to him. His kingdom was the wealthiest. He spent
this wealth for conducting large sacrifices or Yagna. The queens and his
brothers cooperated with Yudhistira in all activities he took-up. His name and
fame had reached the higher worlds of heaven. The Gods in the higher world
discussed the greatness of Dharmaraja’s rule. They wondered that there is not a
single non-Vaishnava, nor those telling lies, nor cheats. All were devout
Vaishnava. Farmers were receiving rains when they wished and grew what they
desired in any season. However, Dharmaraja was unmoved.
किं ते कामाः सुरस्पार्हा मुकुन्दमनसो द्विजाः ।
अधिजह्रुर्मुदं राज्ञः क्षुधितस्य यथेतरे ॥ ६॥
All the luxuries possessed by the Gods in heaven
were available to King Yudhishthira. However, like a hungry man who seeks only
food to satiate his hunger, King Yudhistra sought only the nectar in the lotus
feet of the Lord to quench his spiritual thirst.
मातुर्गर्भगतो वीरस्स तदा भृगुनन्दन ।
ददर्श पुरुषं कञ्चिद्दह्यमानोऽस्त्रतेजसा ॥ ७॥
Sri Shaunaka! You always seek divinity. One day,
when the delivery time had approached, the missile shot by Ashwathama, burning
red hot engulfed the heavily pregnant, Uttara Devi. The brightness and heat of
the missile were eating into Parakshid raja growing in Uttara Devi’s womb. The
Lord too had appeared shining bright at the same time.
अङ्गुष्ठमात्रममलं स्फुरत्पुरटमौलिनम् ।
अपीच्यदर्शनं श्यामं तडिद्वाससमच्युतम् ॥ ८॥
श्रीमद्दीर्घचतुर्बाहुं तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डलम् ।
क्षतजाक्षं गदापाणिमात्मनः सर्वतो दिशम् ।
परिभ्रमन्तमुल्काभां भ्रामयन्तं गदां मुहुः ॥ ९॥
The Lord had appeared surprisingly wonderful,
stainless, and as bright dazzling light in the size of a thumb to Parakshid
raja. He was in his beautiful dark color body, wearing yellow robes that glittered
like lightning. So too the crown he wore. The gold of his crown glittered and
the gems in it, dazzled. The unchanging Lord, never subjected to the process of
aging had appeared as if sixteen years old and had four beautiful arms. His
earrings had the hue as in the pour of molten gold. His eyes appeared crimson
red. Holding a spiked steel mace, the lord was swinging it 360-degree rotation
and was moving all around Parakshid raja.
The above description of the Lord also appears in
Vishnu Sahasranama. It has been provided as dhyana sloka for meditation.
सशङ्खचक्रं सकिरीट कुण्डलं सपीतवस्त्रं सरसीरूहेक्षणं ।
सहार वक्ष स्तलम् शोभि कौस्तुभं नमामि विष्णुं शिरसा चतुर्भुजम् ॥ शो
Holding conch & disc is a blessing and bestowing
boons. Having a lotus-like eye, the Lord is wearing the glittering crown, earring
having a hue as in the pour of molten gold, and yellow robes glittering like
lightning. His chest is adorned with garland having Kaustabha gem. My
salutations to such four-armed Lord Vishnu.
Through stories in Srimad Bhagavata, Lord Veda
Vyasa is helping even women & children to take baby steps in the maze of
अस्त्रतेजः स्वगदया नीहारमिव गोपतिः ।
विधमन्तं सन्निकर्षे पर्यैक्षत क इत्यसौ ॥ १०॥
Like Sun God raising every morning beating down
the fog by its heat, so too the lord swinging the mace with 360-degree rotation
had doused the burning flame and the heat of Brahmashirsastra. Seeing the Lord
protecting him, dousing the heat, and making the surrounding pleasant, the yet
to be born baby started wondering, who is it!
Hence, Parakshid is true to the sense as पर्ये or परितः is surrounding and अक्षत is Uninjured as he is protected all around by Lord and remained
सूत उवाच
विधूय तदमेयात्मा भगवान् धर्मगुब्विभुः ।
मिषतो दशमास्यस्य तत्रैवान्तर्दधे हरिः ॥ ११॥
Even as the baby in the womb of Uttara Devi
wondered, Lord Sri Krishna extinguished the heat and flame of Brahmashirsastra.
By extinguishing the heat and brightness of the weapon Lord Sri Krishna
protected dharma or righteousness. As Uttara Devi entered the tenth month of
her pregnancy, Lord disappeared from her womb.
We had heard in the Protection of Uttara Devi’s Womb from Brahmashirshastra, Sri Sutacharya narrating,
अन्तःस्थः सर्वभूतानामात्मा योगेश्वरो हरिः ।
स्वमाययावृणोद्गर्भं वैराट्याः कुरुतन्तवे ॥ १४॥
यद्यप्यस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरस्त्वमोघं चाप्रतिक्रियम् ।
वैष्णवं तेज आसाद्य समशाम्यद्भृगूद्वह ॥ १५॥
मा मंस्था ह्येतदाश्चर्यं सर्वाश्चर्यमयेऽच्युते ।
य इदं मायया देव्या सृजत्यवति हन्त्यजः ॥ १६॥
The Indweller in all the lives of this universe,
the Lord of Yoga, Sri Hari entered the womb of Uttara Devi with one of his
forms wearing a secretive armor to protect the offspring of the Pandu
With emphasis, Sri Sutacharya says, “Shaunaka and
all the Rishis! It is true that Brahmashirsastras is only one of a kind. It
will never go in vain. And there is no anti-missile to neutralize this. Even
then, it became calm seeing वैष्णवं तेज or the brilliance of the Lord.
This is an amazing act of Lord that made Shaunaka
& assembled Rishis hearing Srimad Bhagavatam bewildered. The Astra that
attacked the womb of Uttara Devi, Lord Sri Krishna did not destroy it. But he
entered the Uttara Devi's womb in one of his forms and protected from
destruction by being an Armour protecting the baby. While the Astra continued
to attack. Therefore, the Brahmashirsastra rendered by Gayatri or energized by
Lord himself for the attack and also himself opposing as Armor in Uttara Devi's
womb is opposite acts that are astonishing.
One need not be astonished by this, says Sri
Sutacharya. Our Lord is awesome. He is the most amazing one. He is Achyutha, having
no decline. The unchanging Lord without birth nor death having immeasurable
power using Prakriti creates, sustains, destroys, and regulates the whole
universe. He is Paramatma or Supreme Atma to confine other Atmas' to death
& birth. Subsequently, releasing them with Moksha. In other words, the Lord is
Satya Sankalpa or Truthfully Resolute to bind us with confinement only to
release with Moksha. This is the Axiom and is being taught by Srimad
However, as Uttara Devi entered the tenth month of
her pregnancy, Lord had disappeared from her womb. As soon as Uttara Devi
delivered, the Brahmashirshastr did its job. The baby died. Incidentally, Lord
Sri Krishna had visited Hastinapura on the invitation of Dharmaraj who was carrying
out Ahwamedhayagna. Kunti Devi carrying the dead baby calls for Sri Krishna’s
ततः सर्वगुणोदर्के सानुकूलग्रहोदये ।
जज्ञे वंशधरः पाण्डोर्भूयः पाण्डुरिवौजसा ॥ १२॥
At the same time, the planets had taken an
auspicious combination for the birth of a good charactered virtuous baby. At
that auspicious moment, Lord Sri Krishna takes the baby in his palm, and the
birth to Parakshid happens.
The Pandavas also arrive to see the baby with the
brightness of Pandu and as if Pandu had born once again.
The Lord did so because Dharmaraja led a righteous
kingdom. So too, the Pandavas, Kunti Devi, Subadhra, and Uttara Devi. All
followed the righteous path. The progeny of the Pandu lineage was saved and
protected by Lord Sri Krishna. Hence, they trumped over Duryodhana, the form of
Kali and all his cronies.
तस्य प्रीतमना राजा विप्रैर्धौम्यकृपादिभिः ।
जातकं कारयामास वाचयित्वा च मङ्गलम् ॥ १३॥
Hearing the news on the birth of a child to Uttaradevi,
King Yudhishthira was overwhelmed. He called the family priest Dhaumya Rishi,
Krupacharya and other important priests. The auspicious divine sounds like the
blow of couch were made in the baby’s ears and the naming ceremony was carried
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
Very impressive!
ReplyDeleteThat is the fame of the kind-hearted Lord, Sri Krishna! He evokes the admiration in all the virtuous. Remain blessed...Thx...