Srimad Bhagavatam Skanda 1 - The Future Predictions of Baby Parakshid
Srimad Bhagavatam cleanses kalimala or the pollutant of Kali, destroys
sins, shows the indweller, the Lord, in oneself by bringing Vairagya towards
the materialistic world, and gives pure devotion, crystal clear, and clean
|| Hari Om ||
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Hare Srinivasa |
कल्यण अद्भुत गात्राय कामितार्थ प्रदयिने ।
श्रीमद् वेन्कटनाथाय श्रीनिवासय ते नम: ॥
Your benevolence for granting wishes
is incredibly vast and unsurpassed.
Divine Lord Venkateshwara! Destroyer
of Sins! An abode of Mahalakshmi! Srinivasa!
My salutations to you.
भवाय नस्त्वं भव विश्वभावन त्वमेव माताथ सुहृत्पतिः पिता ।
त्वं सद्गुरुर्नः परमं च दैवतं यस्यानुवृत्त्या कृतिनो बभूविम ॥ ७॥
Vishwabhavana! From you, the whole
universe has arisen. Suhrtpati! You are the mother, the father, you are the
friend, as well as our teacher. Sadguru! It is you, who makes us walk on the
right path. You are our lord, as well as being worshipped. We are safe and
successful by taking refuge in your lotus feet which are auspicious.
Lord! You
are the only cause of our success.
व्यासाय भव नाशाय श्रीशाय गुण राशऐ ।
हृद्याय शुद्ध विद्याय मध्वायछ नमो नमः ॥
Charming & the beloved Vyasa,
the destroyer of emotional & behavioral disorders, the Lord of Goddess of
abundance having heaps of attributes, bestower of clean knowledge, my repeated
salutations to you and Acharya Madhwa.
यः स्वानुभावमखिलश्रुतिसारमेकमध्यात्मदीपमतितितीर्षतां तमोऽन्धम् ।
संसारिणां करुणयाह पुराणगुह्यं तं व्याससूनुमुपयामि गुरुं मुनीनाम् ॥
This Srimad Bhagavatam gives the
experience of the Lord and has the essence of all Vedas and Vedanta. It sheds spiritual light on the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of death and birth which is wrapped in ignorance. However, it is
very secretive in nature. Hence, I pray to you Sri Shukacharya for your
continued blessings.
दयादाक्षिण्यवैराग्यवाक्पाटवमुखाङिकतः ।
शापानुृग्रहशक्तोऽन्यो राघवेन्द्रन्नविध्यते ॥
The face symbolizing Compassion;
Modesty; Dispassion towards sensual pleasure; Eloquence; Power to remove curses
is none else than you, Guru Raghavendra. My salutations to you.
We had noted that Parakshid is true to the sense as पर्ये or परितः is surrounding and अक्षत is uninjured as he is protected all around and remained uninjured. Also, seeing the Lord protecting him, dousing the heat, and making the surrounding pleasant while being in his mother's womb, the yet to be born baby had started wondering who is that!
This way wondering about Lord even before his birth, Parakshid was true Vaishnava. Let's take a look at what the assembled priests well versed in astrology have to predict the future even as Parakshid was newborn.
King Yudhishthira was well versed in the appropriate time for giving away charity. Knowing that the time of birth, before cutting the umbilical cord is Parva Kala or auspicious time as the passing away forefathers will be delighted at such time. Hence for the prosperity of Kuru kula, King Yudhisthira gave away Gold, Cows, Land, Villages, Elephants, and Horses as a charity to priests and arranged food for them. He did this before cutting the umbilical cord or the सूतक or start of impure time.
हिरण्यं गां महीं ग्रामान् हस्त्यश्वान् नृपतिर्वरान् ।
प्रादात्स्वन्नं च विप्रेभ्यः प्रजातीर्थे स तीर्थवित् ॥ १४॥King Yudhishthira was well versed in the appropriate time for giving away charity. Knowing that the time of birth, before cutting the umbilical cord is Parva Kala or auspicious time as the passing away forefathers will be delighted at such time. Hence for the prosperity of Kuru kula, King Yudhisthira gave away Gold, Cows, Land, Villages, Elephants, and Horses as a charity to priests and arranged food for them. He did this before cutting the umbilical cord or the सूतक or start of impure time.
The pleased priest, seeing the humility of the King
Yudhishthira said thus:
तमूचुर्ब्राह्मणास्तुष्टा राजानं प्रश्रयान्वितम् ।
एष ह्यस्मिन् प्रजातन्तौ पुरूणां पौरवर्षभ ॥ १५॥
दैवेनाप्रतिघातेन शुक्ले संस्थामुपेयुषि ।
रातो वोऽनुग्रहार्थाय विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना ॥ १६॥
The Jewel of the Kuru dynasty! Killing was happening
on both sides, everything had gone out of control, and though it was impossible
to save the continuity of Kuru dynasty, the omnipotent Lord Maha Vishnu poured
his mercy. He protected the baby in the womb of Uttara Devi and as well after
immediately taking birth
तस्मान्नाम्ना विष्णुरात इति लोके बृहच्छ्रवाः ।
भविष्यति न सन्देहो महाभागवतो महान् ॥ १७॥
Hence, the name of this baby would become Vishnuratha
or the one protected by Maha Vishnu. Without an iota of doubt, he will become
famously successful, a devout Vaishnava, and a great man.
Addressing the assembled priests, King Yudhishthira
asked thus:
युधिष्ठिर उवाच
अप्येष वंश्यान् राजर्षीन् पुण्यश्लोकान् महात्मनः ।
अनुवर्तिता स्विद्यशसा साधुवादेन सत्तमाः ॥ १८॥
“The divine priests! Will this boy grow-up to bring
fame as brought by our forefathers? They are पुण्यश्लोक:. Merits will accrue by just remembering and repeating the names of my
forefathers. Will this boy too, accomplish similar heights as of Kuru, Ganga,
Dushyant, Bharata, Pradeepa, Balika, Shantanu, and Bheeshma? Also, will he follow the family traditions? Will
he present himself among the virtuous? Will he be able to talk among the
The assembled priests replied saying,
ब्राह्मणा ऊचुः
पार्थ प्रजाविता साक्षादिक्ष्वाकुरिव मानवः ।
ब्रह्मण्यः सत्यसन्धश्च रामो दाशरथिर्यथा ॥ १९॥
Partha! The son of Kunti! Don't worry. This boy will
protect the subjects like King Ikshvaku, the son of Manu, the foremost of the
solar dynasty. He will worship the priests and keep his words, like the son of
Dasharatha, Lord Sri Rama. He will be Satyasandha like Lord Sri Rama.
Though such examples are cited commonly by Lord Veda
Vyasa, one should not try to equate Parakshid raja to Lord Sri Rama. This is
similar to the example of a construction of cobweb being cited to the
construction of the entire universe. Here, the objective is to communicate that
like the spider from its stomach vomits a silk thread to construct the web,
Lord Sriman Padhmanabha from his stomach brings out substance to construct the
whole universe. Like the Spider and the Lord is incomparable in their
individual ability, nor is their output of cobweb and the entire unimaginably
vast universe. So too is Parakshid raja and Lord Sri Rama. Therefore, the
ability of Lord Sri Rama being Satyasandha or his truthfulness is immeasurable.
And that of Parakshid raja is full and complete to his capacity. This is
similar to a 250 ml. bowl full of 250 ml. milk. While another bowl of 1 liter
is full of 1-liter milk. While both the bowels are full of milk, each has a different quantity of milk.
एष दाता शरण्यश्च यथा ह्यौशीनरः शिबिः ।
यशो वितनिता स्वानां दौष्यन्तिरिव यज्वनाम् ॥ २०॥
In giving away charity, he shall accomplish the fame
of Shibi, the son of Ushinara. He will take keen interest and love all those
who take refuge in him. In carrying out yagna or fire sacrifice, he shall
accomplish the fame of Bharata, the son of Dushyant. This way, he will be
famous and spread the fame of the Kuru dynasty.
धन्विनामग्रणीरेष तुल्यश्चार्जुनयोर्द्वयोः ।
हुताश इव दुर्धर्षः समुद्र इव दुस्तरः ॥ २१॥
In archery, Parakshid would accomplish mastery like
that of Kartavirya Arjuna, the King of Haihayas and like that of his
grandfather Arjuna. His brilliance and power would be like that of a fire,
impossible to take on. Also, he would be unconquerable like a sea. As no one
would dare stand on the beach, say that I will swim and cross the sea. No one
would dare to take on Parakshid, said the assembled priests.
मृगेन्द्र इव विक्रान्तो निषेव्यो हिमवानिव ।
तितिक्षुर्वसुधेवासौ सहिष्णुः पितराविव ॥ २२॥
His courage and valor would be like that of Lion.
Whichever part of the forest does the Lion go, there it would establish its
lordship. And so shall be Parakshid raja. He would give protection like the
Himalayan Mountains. His forbearance will be like that of mother earth taking
all the abuse, pains, insults, and yet be extremely forgiving.
पितामहसमः साम्ये प्रसादे गिरिशोपमः ।
आश्रयः सर्वभूतानां यथा देवो रमाश्रयः ॥ २३॥
In equability, justice, and sympathy, he would be like
God Brahma. However, when it comes to working with state employees and the
subjects, he would be like Girisha. The large-hearted God Shiva is known for
favoring with boons. In giving shelter, he would be like Lord Lakshmipati who
has created the entire universe giving shelter to everyone.
The priests continue to say King Yudhisthara
सर्वसद्गुणमाहात्म्ये एष कृष्णमनुव्रतः ।
रन्तिदेव इवोदारो ययातिरिव धार्मिकः ॥ २४॥
Rajan! The son of Kunti! Your grandson is a treasure
house of virtues. For his attributes, he shall follow the footsteps of Lord,
Sri Krishna himself. Like God Ranti, he would be large-hearted. Also, like King
Yayati, he would follow the righteous path of dharma.
धृत्या बलिसमः कृष्णे प्रह्लाद इव सद्ग्रहः ।
आहर्तैषोऽश्वमेधानां वृद्धानां पर्युपासकः ॥ २५॥
In courage, Parakshid would become like the emperor
Bali. In the devotion towards the lotus feet of Lord, he shall be like Bhakta
Also, he would carry out several Ashwamedha Yagna. He
would serve the feet of his teachers and elders with great faith.
राजर्षीणां जनयिता शास्ता चोत्पथगामिनाम् ।
निग्रहीता कलेरेष भुवो धर्मस्य कारणात् ॥ २६॥
In the family of this baby, there would be Raja rishis
ruling the kingdom as a service to the lotus feet of Lord, establishing the
righteous path of dharma, and punishing those deviating. Parakshid would follow
the same path and rule over Kali in his yuga and ensure that righteousness
would prevail.
तक्षकादात्मनो मृत्युं द्विजपुत्रोपसर्जितात् ।
प्रपत्स्यत उपश्रुत्य मुक्तसङ्गः पदं हरेः ॥ २७॥
At the end of his life, he will be cursed by the son
of a rishi that he shall die due to the bite of a snake named Takshaka. Knowing
the arrival of his death, he gives up everything of this materialistic world
including kingship and takes the refuge of the lotus feet of the Lord.
जिज्ञासितात्मयाथात्म्यो मुनेर्व्याससुतादसौ ।
हित्वेदं नृप गङ्गायां यास्यत्यद्धाकुतोभयम् ॥ २८॥
At the end of his life, he will receive the spiritual
light on the transcendental philosophy required to surpass the intense cycle of
death and birth which is wrapped in ignorance from Sri Sukacharya the son of
Lord Veda Vyasa. With that knowledge of transcendental philosophy, on the banks
of river Ganga, he will leave the body to join the lotus feet of the Lord in
Vaikunta. He would accomplish moksha, says the learned priests.
इति राज्ञ उपादिश्य विप्रा जातककोविदाः ।
लब्धापचितयः सर्वे प्रतिजग्मुः स्वकान् गृहान् ॥ २९॥
The priests who had assembled were well versed in
astrology and were expert. They predict the future happenings of Parakshid
raja. King Yudhishthira and the assembled relatives were very pleased to hear.
Predicting the future of the baby Parakshid, receive the honor, return gifts, the
priests return to their respective houses.
|| Hari Om ||
|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||
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